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An evolution of our multi-banked nonblocking cache that uses bursts to extract additional bandwidth from DRAM when access patterns are short and irregular.


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DynaBurst: Dynamically Assemblying DRAM Bursts over a Multitude of Random Accesses

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This repository contains the full Chisel source code of DynaBurst, a highly flexible, FPGA-optimized, memory system for bandwidth-bound accelerators that perform frequent irregular accesses to DRAM memory. DynaBurst is an extension of our miss-optimized nonblocking cache which groups incoming requests into bursts of memory requests. In addition to the reuse of memory responses provided by the nonblocking cache, using bursts increases the available bandwidth by reducing DDR row conflicts and increasing the utilization of DDR bursts. Both mechanisms increase the bandwidth that is available to the accelerators.

Full details are provided in the wiki and in our paper:

Mikhail Asiatici and Paolo Ienne. 2019. DynaBurst: Dynamically Assemblying DRAM Bursts over a Multitude of Random Accesses. In The Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL ’19), September 9--13, 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

Please cite that paper when using this hardware module.


System block diagram

The full pipeline is as follows:

  1. Validation and generation of the configuration file. Use our System Configurator GUI to generate a valid configuration for DynaBurst. Refer to the Wiki for the full documentation on the parameters.
  2. Chisel build, which generates a set of Verilog and .hex files for BRAM initialization.
  3. IP-XACT packaging. Based on Jens Korinth's scripts which use Vivado to automatically infer the AXI4 interfaces.
  4. Vivado project generation. A .tcl script creates a Vivado project for a Zynq ZC706 that generates the PS and PL systems described in the paper, where DynaBurst is integrated with simple sparse matrix-vector multiplication accelerators.

The full pipeline has been tested with Vivado 2017.4 and on a Zynq ZC706 board. However, step 1) and 2) should be device- and vendor-agnostic---please open an issue if you find an incompatibility. Note that Vivado 2018.3 uses different default settings for the AXI interconnects that limit the number of outstanding memory operations, which strongly limit the system performance. Open an issue if you absolutely need to use a more recent version of Vivado and we will work on a fix.


The flow has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

  1. Install Java:
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
  1. Install sbt:
echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt
  1. Verilator is NOT required.


Make sure that Vivado is properly configured and that the vivado executable is in PATH. An easy way to achieve this is to source in the Vivado installation folder.


Ubuntu 18.04 should already have at least Python 2, but just in case: sudo apt-get install python3 python

Chisel build (GUI)

  1. Run from a terminal
  2. Either create a new configuration file (File -> New) or open an existing one (File -> Open)
  3. Click on Generate Vivado IP to generate the memory system as an IP-XACT compatible with the Vivado IP integrator. The IP will be in output/ip.
  4. If you get [error] (run-main-0) java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit value: 1, make sure that vivado is in PATH and that its license is properly set up. We recommend to run the MSHR_configurator from a terminal after configuring Vivado as described in Requirements/Vivado instead of double clicking on it from the Linux GUI.

Chisel build (manual)

  1. Create a configuration file, either with the MSHR_configurator or fully manually (not recommended unless you really know what you are doing). If you don't validate the configuration with the MSHR_configurator, be prepared to go through the source code in case one of the Chisel require() that validate the parameters fails.
  2. From the root of the repository, run:
    • sbt "test:runMain fpgamshr.main.FPGAMSHRIpBuilder [path to the configuration file]" to generate Verilog, .hex and package them in an IP-XACT compatible with the Vivado IP Integrator.
    • sbt "test:runMain fpgamshr.main.FPGAMSHRVerilog [path to the configuration file]" to only generate the Verilog and .hex files.

Replication of the results from the FPL'19 paper

We provide scripts to generate a sample Vivado project that replicates the results discussed in our FPL'19 paper. Two systems for the Xilinx ZC706 are available:

Parameter PL system PS system
Number of SpMV accelerators 4 8
Operating frequency 200 MHz 150 MHz
Dense vector location PL DDR PS DDR
Sequential vectors location PS DDR PL DDR

The Zynq ARM processor:

  1. reads the input data -- sparse matrices and dense vectors -- from the SD card
  2. writes it to the respective DDR
  3. manages the DMAs
  4. starts the accelerators
  5. polls the accelerators and the DMAs
  6. collects data from the profiling registers of DynaBurst and sends it via UART

Input data generation

All the matrices we used in the paper are on SuiteSparse. The util/ Python script converts a matrix in MatrixMarket format to the binary format expected by the C code for the ARM processor. Example invocation:

mkdir matrices
cd matrices
python3 ../util/ -a 1..4 -i -s -v matrix.mtx

The script generates a folder structure that should be copied as it is to an SD card formatted with FAT file system. In the example above, you should copy all the content of the matrices folder to the SD card, except for the .mtx and .pickle files. In other words, the root of the SD card should contain one folder per benchmark, each containing one folder per possible number of parallel accelerators (1 to 4 in the example above).

Vivado project generation

  1. Create an IP package as described in Chisel build. Make sure System Type is either PL or PS (not custom).
  2. Either click on Generate Script from the MSHR_configurator, or run sbt "test:runMain fpgamshr.main.FPGAMSHRVivadoBuilder [path to configuration file]". This will also generate the orchestration software (see next section).
  3. Generate and compile the system:
cd output/vivado
vivado -mode batch -source generator.tcl # Remove `-mode batch` to get Vivado to run in GUI mode during system generation and compilation

After compilation:

  1. Open the Vivado project in output/vivado/spmv_mult_design/spmv_mult_design.xpr
  2. File -> Export -> Export hardware -> OK
  3. File -> Launch SDK -> OK

Xilinx SDK project creation

From the Xilinx SDK:

  1. File -> New -> Application Project
  2. Choose a project name, use the default values for all the rest:
    • Check Use default location
    • OS Platform: standalone
    • Target Hardware Platform: design_1_wrapper_hw_platform_0,
    • Processor: ps7_cortexa9_0
    • Language: C
    • Create new Board Support Package
  3. Click on Next
  4. Select Empty Application, click on Finish
  5. In the Project Explorer, normally on the left hand side of Xilinx SDK, right click on the BSP project (yourProjectName_bsp) -> Board Support Package Settings
  6. Under Supported Libraries, check xilffs. We will use this library to read the input matrices and vectors from the SD card.
  7. In the Project Explorer, expand your project and right click on the src folder -> Import... ->
  8. General -> File System -> Next
  9. Browse... -> Navigate to output/sw -> Select all files -> Check Overwrite existing resources without warning (we will overwrite the default loader script)
  10. In zynq_code.c, add the benchmarks that you want to run to the benchmarks array and update NUM_BENCHMARKS accordingly. Use the same names as the respective folder in the SD card (see Input data generation)

Running the ARM software

The software has a triple nested for loop for the experiments:

foreach benchmark in benchmarks:
    foreach num_acc in 1..NUM_ACCELERATORS:
        foreach cache_size_divider in 0..CACHE_SIZE_REDUCTION_VALUES:
            execute benchmark on num_acc accelerators with a cache size of CACHE_SIZE/(2 ^ cache_size_divider)
        execute benchmark on num_acc accelerators with no cache

(check the wiki for additional information on CACHE_SIZE_REDUCTION_VALUES) The ARM prints out debug and performance information via UART (8 data bits, no parity, no flow control, 1 stop bit, baud rate 921600 bps). By default, the code prints out the parameters of each run (benchmark, number of accelerators, cache size) as well as the performance measurements (runtime and a number of internal performance counters, averaged across all banks) in a table format that can be easily copy-pasted as it is for data analysis. Uncomment the call to FPGAMSHR_Get_stats_pretty() to print out a much more verbose dump of all internal performance registers after each run.


  • in general¸ LICENSE in the repository root applies
  • src/main/scala/packaging/LICENSE applies to:
    • src/main/resources/
    • src/main/resources/
    • src/main/scala/packaging
  • header of src/main/scala/util/ResettableRRArbiter.scala applies to the rest of the file


If you find any bugs please open an issue. For all other questions, including getting access to the development branch, please contact Mikhail Asiatici (firstname dot lastname at epfl dot ch).


An evolution of our multi-banked nonblocking cache that uses bursts to extract additional bandwidth from DRAM when access patterns are short and irregular.







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