- This code was written in the framework of Artificial Intelligence class in University.
- Link for class website(http://cgi.di.uoa.gr/~ys02/)
- 1st version
- Information about the projects you can find here(http://ai.berkeley.edu/project_overview.html)
- In each project you have to download all the files and you will have to follow the instructions from the link i have for every project
- Code written in Python 2
- If you are in Linux you don't have to do anything because Python is preinstalled,in Mac and Windows you have to download Python from here(https://www.python.org/downloads/) and install it
- To secure that Python is installed correctly run the command "python".If you get an answer like("Python is not recognised...)it means something went wrong with the installation.
- The code is tested by me several times and it is running perfectly
- In both projects i have done so far,i get the maximum of points(26 and 25 points respectively)
- To confirm that the code is running correctly execute the command "python autograder.py"(either in a Linux terminal or in Windows Powershell or in Mac terminal)
- Author:Lazaros Zervos
- Computer Science Student at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens