This project is an implementation of the numerical algorithm for the constrained shape optimization problems in structural mechanics. The program was written in FreeFem++ tool using finite element method (FEM).
Firstly, you should install most recent FreeFem++. This program was written with version Freefem++ 4.2.1.
You can download the zip at here or clone this repository by git command:
git clone
The command that be used to generate mesh files is as following syntax:
FreeFem++ CSM_genMesh.edp [--case test_case] [--mshname "name"] [--np num_of_points]
The general syntax is:
FreeFem++ CSM_main.edp [--mshname "name"] [--resu "folder"] [--arg value]
where basic options are:
--mshname the name of mesh file
--resu the results directory (created if non-existent)
and numerical parameters are listed below:
--cr Ratio of constraint: volcon = cr * vol0
--b0 Initial value of penalty coefficient b
--bmax Maximal value of penalty coefficient b, no longer update if b > bmax
--l0 Initial value of the Lagrangian multiplier l
--tau0 Descent step
--betamax Upper bound of the update coefficient
--betamin Lower bound of the update coefficient
--alpha Update coefficient of b : b^{n+1} = alpha*b^n (must be greater than 1)
--minsgn Value for the stopping criterion \eps_{stop} on the residual
--gm The regularization parameter
--minarea Remeshing parameter: remesh if any element has an area less than minarea
--mshsize Required edge size when remeshing : hmax = meshsize, hmin = meshsize/sqrt(2)
Some runable commands are presented in file
as examples.
This program has been developed by Le Van Chien (Research group NaM2, Ghent University) and Ta Thi Thanh Mai (School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology).
Any suggestions or contributions are welcome. If you have any questions or want to create contributive brands or use this program for your projects, feel free to contact us at [email protected].