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Hazelcast bells and whistles under the Clojure belt


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Hazelcast bells and whistles under the Clojure belt

Creating a Cluster

user=> (require '[chazel :refer :all])

let's start a 3 node cluster

user=> (cluster-of 3)
Mar 26, 2015 1:46:43 PM com.hazelcast.cluster.ClusterService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [3.4.1]

Members [3] {
    Member []:5701 this
    Member []:5702
    Member []:5703
(#<HazelcastInstanceProxy HazelcastInstance{name='_hzInstance_1_dev', node=Address[]:5701}> #<HazelcastInstanceProxy HazelcastInstance{name='_hzInstance_2_dev', node=Address[]:5702}> #<HazelcastInstanceProxy HazelcastInstance{name='_hzInstance_3_dev', node=Address[]:5703}>)

Working with Data Structures

create a map (or multimap, or queue, etc):

user=> (def appl (hz-map :appl))

user=> (type appl)

use the map:

user=> (put! appl :apple 42)

user=> appl
{:apple 42}

some other cool things:

user=> (def goog (hz-map :goog))

user=> (put! goog :goog 42)

user=> (find-all-maps)
({:appl 42} 
 {:goog 42})

Connecting as a Client

user=> (def c (client-instance {:group-password "dev-pass", 
                                :hosts [""], 
                                :retry-ms 5000, 
                                :retry-max 720000, 
                                :group-name "dev"}))
INFO: connecting to:  {:group-password dev-pass, :hosts [], :retry-ms 5000, :retry-max 720000, :group-name dev}

user=> c
#<HazelcastClientProxy com.hazelcast.client.impl.HazelcastClientInstanceImpl@42b215c8>

In case it could not connect, it would retry according to :retry-ms and :retry-max values:

WARNING: Unable to get alive cluster connection, try in 5000 ms later, attempt 1 of 720000.
WARNING: Unable to get alive cluster connection, try in 5000 ms later, attempt 2 of 720000.


This is a constant area of improvement and at the moment there are 2 ways to get some stats:

Maps and Sizes

First is a simplistic way to find all the maps accross the cluster with their sizes (i.e. total number of values across all nodes):

chazel=> (def appl (hz-map "appl"))
chazel=> (def goog (hz-map "goog"))

chazel=> (map-sizes)
{"goog" {:size 0}, "appl" {:size 0}}

now let's add some values and run `(map-sizes)` again:

chazel=> (doseq [n (range 2048)] (put! goog n (str n)))
chazel=> (doseq [n (range 1024)] (put! appl n (str n)))

chazel=> (map-sizes)
{"goog" {:size 2048}, "appl" {:size 1024}}

not too much intel, but proves to be quite useful: you see all the existing maps (IMap distributed objects) as well as their sizes.

Cluster Stats

In case you need to get all stats across the cluster, there are options:

  • Management Center that comes with hazelcast, but you pay for clusters over 2 nodes
  • hface will give you all the stats with GUI, free for any number of nodes, but not as powerful as the management center
  • built in chazel (cluster-stats) function, but you'll have to include an 8KB dependency to your cluster nodes which is just a callable that is able to collect node stats

Here is an example of a built in (cluster-stats):

chazel=> (cluster-stats)

{"Member []:5701 this"
 {:master true,
  :clusterName "dev",
  :instanceNames ["c:goog" "c:appl" "e:stats-exec-service"],
  ["" "" ""],
   {:osMemory.freePhysicalMemory 2046976000,
    :runtime.loadedClassCount 10130,
   :executorStats {:stats-exec-service {:creationTime 1462910619108, :pending 0, :started 4, :completed 3, :cancelled 0, :totalStartLatency 0, :totalExecutionTime 49}},
   :multiMapStats {},
   :topicStats {},
   :memoryStats {:committedNativeMemory 0, :creationTime 0, :usedNativeMemory 0, :freePhysical 2046976000, :maxNativeMemory 0, :freeNativeMemory 0, :maxHeap 3817865216, :totalPhysical 17179869184, :usedHeap 985153872, :gcStats {:creationTime 0, :minorCount 17, :minorTime 198, :majorCount 2, :majorTime 314, :unknownCount 0, :unknownTime 0}, :committedHeap 1548746752},
    {:creationTime 1462910602378, :maxGetLatency 0, :maxPutLatency 2, :lastAccessTime 0, :maxRemoveLatency 0, :heapCost 238277, :totalGetLatencies 0, :numberOfOtherOperations 90, :ownedEntryMemoryCost 118788, :getCount 0, :hits 0, :backupCount 1, :totalRemoveLatencies 0, :backupEntryMemoryCost 119489, :removeCount 0, :totalPutLatencies 316, :dirtyEntryCount 0, :lastUpdateTime 1462910608301, :backupEntryCount 681, :lockedEntryCount 0, :ownedEntryCount 677, :putCount 2048, :numberOfEvents 0},
    {:creationTime 1462910599320, :maxGetLatency 0, :maxPutLatency 68, :lastAccessTime 0, :maxRemoveLatency 0, :heapCost 119125, :totalGetLatencies 0, :numberOfOtherOperations 90, :ownedEntryMemoryCost 60004, :getCount 0, :hits 0, :backupCount 1, :totalRemoveLatencies 0, :backupEntryMemoryCost 59121, :removeCount 0, :totalPutLatencies 390, :dirtyEntryCount 0, :lastUpdateTime 1462910604627, :backupEntryCount 338, :lockedEntryCount 0, :ownedEntryCount 343, :putCount 1024, :numberOfEvents 0}},
   :replicatedMapStats {},
   :queueStats {},
   ;; lots and lots more for this member..

 "Member []:5703"
 {:master false,
  :clusterName "dev",
  :instanceNames ["c:goog" "c:appl" "e:stats-exec-service"],
  ;; lots and lots more for this member..

 "Member []:5702"
 {:master false,
  :clusterName "dev",
  :instanceNames ["c:goog" "c:appl" "e:stats-exec-service"],
   ;; lots and lots more for this member..

(cluster-stats) returns a {member stats} map with ALL the stats available for the cluster.

again in order to make it work, add a little 8KB dependency to your cluster nodes, so it can collect stats from each node / member.

Distributed SQL Queries

Hazelcast has a concept of Distributed Query with quite rich SQL syntax supported.

chazel embraces it into a single function select. Let's look at the example that is taught at Jedi Order.

Jedi Order

Since Hazelcast internally works with Java objects, it relies on getter/setter accessors for its full SQL power. This is not that bad as it might seem at the first glance. Think Google Protobufs, or many other Java serialization protocols, the all produce objects with getters and setters.

Let's call for the Jedi Masters:

chazel=> (require '[chazel :refer :all])
chazel=> (import '[chazel.jedis Jedi])

chazel=> (def masters {1 (Jedi. "Yoda" "vim")
                       2 (Jedi. "Mace Windu" "emacs")
                       3 (Jedi. "Qui-Gon Jinn" "cursive")
                       4 (Jedi. "Obi-Wan Kenobi" "vim")
                       5 (Jedi. "Luke Skywalker" "vim")
                       6 (Jedi. "Mara Jade Skywalker" "emacs")
                       7 (Jedi. "Leia Organa Solo" "emacs")
                       8 (Jedi. "Jaina Solo Fel" "atom")})

Jedi is an example type that has name and editor fields.

You guessed it right, we are going to rely on SQL query powers to finally find out which editors Jedis Masters use!

Jedi SQL

Now as we called upon the masters, let's put them into a Hazelcast map. We can use a put-all! for that:

chazel=> (def jedis (hz-map "jedis"))

chazel=> (put-all! jedis masters)

Let's now run some distributed SQL on the new Jedi Master database:

chazel=> (select jedis "editor = vim")

#{#<Jedi {:name Obi-Wan Kenobi :editor vim}> 
  #<Jedi {:name Yoda :editor vim}> 
  #<Jedi {:name Luke Skywalker :editor vim}>}
chazel=> (select jedis "name like %Sky%")

#{#<Jedi {:name Luke Skywalker :editor vim}> 
  #<Jedi {:name Mara Jade Skywalker :editor emacs}>}
chazel=> (select jedis "name like %Sky% and editor != emacs")

#{#<Jedi {:name Luke Skywalker :editor vim}>}


In case a database / map is large, we can add field indices

chazel=> (add-index jedis "editor")

now this query will run waaay faster:

chazel=> (select jedis "editor = vim"))

#{#<Jedi {:name Obi-Wan Kenobi :editor vim}> 
  #<Jedi {:name Yoda :editor vim}> 
  #<Jedi {:name Luke Skywalker :editor vim}>}

for larger datasets.

Query Results Format

By default a distributed query will return a set:

chazel=> (type (select jedis "editor = vim"))

In case you need an actual submap: i.e. all the matching map entries (k,v pairs), just ask:

chazel=> (select jedis "editor = vim" :as :map)

{1 #object[chazel.jedis.Jedi 0x44bb1c0a "{:name Yoda :editor vim}"],
 4 #object[chazel.jedis.Jedi 0x4ad0c3c5 "{:name Obi-Wan Kenobi :editor vim}"],
 5 #object[chazel.jedis.Jedi 0x2725fbd0 "{:name Luke Skywalker :editor vim}"]}
chazel=> (type (select jedis "editor = vim" :as :map))

For a better interop, you can also ask for a Hazelcast "native" type:

chazel=> (select jedis "editor = vim" :as :native)

#{#object[java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleImmutableEntry 0x69cfa867 "1={:name Yoda :editor vim}"]
  #object[java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleImmutableEntry 0x3b0a56f9 "4={:name Obi-Wan Kenobi :editor vim}"]
  #object[java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleImmutableEntry 0x3b498787 "5={:name Luke Skywalker :editor vim}"]}
chazel=> (type (select jedis "editor = vim" :as :native))

In case a wrong / unknown format is asked for, chazel will tell you so:

chazel=> (select jedis "editor = vim" :as :foo)

ERROR: can't return a result of a distributed query as ":foo" (an unknown format you provided). query: "editor = vim", running on: "jedis"

Distributed Tasks

Sending work to be done remotely on the cluster is very useful, and Hazelcast has a rich set of APIs to do that.

chazel does not implement all the APIs, but it does provide a simple way of sending tasks to be executed remotely on the cluster:

(task do-work)


task here is a chazel's built-in function, and do-work is your function.

A couple of gotchas:

  • do-work must exist on both: sending and "doing the work" JVMs
  • in case you'd like to pass a function with arguments use partial
(task (partial do-work arg1 arg2 ..))

Sending Runnables

In example above do-work gets wrapped into a Runnable internal chazel Task and gets send to the cluster to execute.

Say the function we are sending is:

(defn do-work [& args]
  (println "printing remotely..." args)
  (str "doing work remotely with args: " args))

If we send it with (task do-work), you'll see printing remotely... nil in logs of a cluster member that picked up this task. But you won't see doing the work... since it was silently executed on that member.

Sending Callables

In case you do want to know when the task is done, or you'd like to own the result of the tasks, you can send a task that will return you a future back. chazel calls this kind of task an ftask:

chazel=> (ftask do-work)
#<ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture com.hazelcast.client.util.ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture@6148ce19>

In case of ftask chazel also wraps a function do-work into Task, but now it cares of Task's Callable skills, hence we get a tasty future back. Let's deref it:

chazel=> @(ftask do-work)
"doing work remotely with args: "

and send it some args:

chazel=> @(ftask (partial do-work 42 "forty two"))
"doing work remotely with args: (42 \"forty two\")"

Task Knobs

Send to All

A task that is sent with task of ftask by default will be picked up by any one member to run it. Sometimes it is needed to send a task to be executed on all of the cluster members:

chazel=> (ftask (partial do-work 42 "forty two") :members :all)
{#<MemberImpl Member []:5702> #<ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture com.hazelcast.client.util.ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture@2ae5cde4>,
 #<MemberImpl Member []:5701> #<ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture com.hazelcast.client.util.ClientCancellableDelegatingFuture@7db6db4>}

here we have a small local two node cluster, and what comes back is a {member future} map. Let's get all the results:

chazel=> (def work (ftask (partial do-work 42 "forty two") :members :all))

chazel=> (into {} (for [[m f] work] [m @f]))
{#<MemberImpl Member []:5702>
 "doing work remotely with args: (42 \"forty two\")",
 #<MemberImpl Member []:5701>
 "doing work remotely with args: (42 \"forty two\")"}


By default chazel will look for a client instance, if it is active, it will use that, if not it will get a server instance instead. But in case you'd like to use a concrete instance in order to send out tasks from you can:

(task do-work :instance your-instance)

Executor Service

By default chazel will use a "default" executor service to submit all the tasks to. But in case you'd like to pick a different one, you can:

(task do-work :exec-svc-name "my-es")

All Together

All the options can be used with task and ftask:

(task do-work :instance "my instance" :exec-svc-name "my-es")
(ftask do-work :instance "my instance" :members :all :exec-svc-name "my-es")
## Distributed Reliable Topic

Hazelcast's Reliable Topic is backed by a Ringbuffer which amongst other benefits (i.e. not destructive operations, ttl, batching, etc.) sequences all the messages, which allows for an interesting replay use cases.

Since this is Hazelcast, we are dealing with a cluster of nodes, and depending on backup-count (a.k.a. quorum) this reliable topic is well distributed, which means it allows for better locality as well as higher availability: i.e. cluster may lose nodes, but all the topic messages will be still there to consume.

Processing Payments

Let's say we have a system that publishes payments. We can send these payments to a reliable topic, and have some consumers that would be responsible to process these payments. So let's create this reliable topic:

chazel=> (def payments (hz-reliable-topic :payments))

and a simple functions that would process a single payment:

chazel=> (defn process-payment [p] (info "processing payment" p))

We can now add this function as one of the topic listeners by calling add-message-listener on the topic:

chazel=> (add-message-listener payments process-payment)

This listener UUID can later be used to remove-message-listener.

Now let's publish some payments:

chazel=> (publish payments {:name "John" :amount 4200.42M})

INFO: processing payment {:name John, :amount 4200.42M}

chazel=> (publish payments {:name "Kevin" :amount 2800.28M})

INFO: processing payment {:name Kevin, :amount 2800.28M}

chazel=> (publish payments {:name "Jessica" :amount 3400.34M})

INFO: processing payment {:name Jessica, :amount 3400.34M}

You can see that each payment is picked up by the listener and processed.

Replaying Events

So far so good, but not much different from a regular pub/sub topic. Let's make it more interesting.

Say we have some problems with payments and we need to audit every payment that was sent. With a regular topic it would be hard to do (if at all possible) since we need to audit all the payments: from the past and ongoing. With Hazelcast's Reliable Topic is not an issue, since it is backed by a Ringbuffer and all the messages are sequenced, we can just ask to replay the messages from an arbitrary sequence number.

First let's create a function that will do the audit work:

chazel=> (defn audit-payment [p] (info "auditing payment" p))

and add it as a reliable listener:

chazel=> (add-reliable-listener payments audit-payment {:start-from 0})

INFO: auditing payment {:name John, :amount 4200.42M}
INFO: auditing payment {:name Kevin, :amount 2800.28M}
INFO: auditing payment {:name Jessica, :amount 3400.34M}

Interesting, you see what happened? All the payments starting from the sequence 0 (the very beginning) were simply replayed and audited: niice!

Let's publish more payments:

chazel=> (publish payments {:name "Rudolf" :amount 1234.56M})

INFO: auditing payment {:name Rudolf, :amount 1234.56M}
INFO: processing payment {:name Rudolf, :amount 1234.56M}

chazel=> (publish payments {:name "Nancy" :amount 6543.21M})

INFO: auditing payment {:name Nancy, :amount 6543.21M}
INFO: processing payment {:name Nancy, :amount 6543.21M}

Now every ongoing payment gets processed and audited, since there are two listeners attached to a topic.

Let's replay them all again, just for fun:

chazel=> (add-reliable-listener payments audit-payment {:start-from 0})

INFO: auditing payment {:name John, :amount 4200.42M}
INFO: auditing payment {:name Kevin, :amount 2800.28M}
INFO: auditing payment {:name Jessica, :amount 3400.34M}
INFO: auditing payment {:name Rudolf, :amount 1234.56M}
INFO: auditing payment {:name Nancy, :amount 6543.21M}


there are other options that can be provided to a reliable listener: i.e. start-from store-seq loss-tolerant? terminal? if needed

Map Event Listeners

Hazelcast has map entry listeners which can be attached to maps and listen on different operations, namely:

  • entry added
  • entry updated
  • entry removed
  • entry evicted

chazel has all 4 listeners available as wrapper functions and ready to roll:

  • entry-added-listener
  • entry-updated-listener
  • entry-removed-listener
  • entry-evicted-listener

A chazel map entry listener would take a function and apply it every time the event takes place:

chazel=> (def m (hz-map "appl"))

chazel=> (put! m 42 1)

chazel=> m
{42 1}

nothing fancy, usual map business. now let's add an update listener:

chazel=> (def ul (entry-updated-listener (fn [k v ov] (println "updated: " {:k k :v v :ov ov}))))
chazel=> (def id (add-entry-listener m ul))
chazel=> id

ov here is an old value that is being updated.

When the listener is added, hazelcast assigns a uuid to it. We'll use it a bit later. For now let's see how the listener works:

chazel=> (put! m 42 2)
updated:  {:k 42, :v 2, :ov 1}

chazel=> (put! m 42 3)
updated:  {:k 42, :v 3, :ov 2}

now every time an entry gets updated a function we created above gets applied.

Since we have listener id, we can use it to remove this listener from the map:

chazel=> (remove-entry-listener m id)

chazel=> (put! m 42 4)
chazel=> m
{42 4}

all back to vanilla, no listeners involved, map business.


Serialization is a big deal when hazelcast nodes are distributed, or when you connect to a remote hazelcast cluster. chazel solves this problem by delegating it to an optional serializer.

To start off, chazel has a transit seriailzer ready to go:

user=> (require '[chazel.serializer :refer [transit-in transit-out]])
user=> (def m (hz-map "amzn"))

user=> (put! m "bids" {:opening [429 431 430 429] :nbbo [428 430 429 427]} transit-out)
#<byte[] [B@5d9d8664>

notice transit-out, it is an optional function to put! that will be applied to the value before the hazelcast .put is called. In this case a value will be serialized with transit.

user=> (cget m "bids")
#<byte[] [B@638b6eec>

a default chazel's cget will return the value the way hazelcast has it stored: as a byte array. Similarly to put!, cget also takes in an optional function that is applied after the value is fetched from hazelcast:

user=> (cget m "bids" transit-in)
{:opening [429 431 430 429], :nbbo [428 430 429 427]}

user=> (type (cget m "bids" transit-in))

In case you need to use a different serializer, you can either send a pull request updating chazel.serializer, or by specifying your own "secret" serialize function in put! and cget.


Copyright © 2015 tolitius

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Hazelcast bells and whistles under the Clojure belt







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