These data are property of the St. Thomas University. All rights are reserved.
Luca Comba : [email protected] for other infos
Using photoshop we should be able to process it easily, Nothing is better than coding it ! Using fit, fits, fts files to get colorized pictures
see newscript folder
- allign images It's called Image Registration. Astronomical Image Registration Docs ,Github tutorial ,A paper about it
github issue for image_registering
- merge green, red and blue fits images
- adjust colors levels
- rotate images correctly
- Read Fit imgs
- manipulate data
- manipulate pixels
Things to keep in mind :
- img with moving objects
- bad pixels
- light pollution
- circle pixels
Object to create is FitsData(filename) from this class there are these methods :
1. General Read Fits files*
- init(filename)
- close()
2. Reading meta data
- printInfo()
- printDate()
- setHeader(targname, observer)
- getHeaderKeys() : return a list of the header's key
- getHeaderKey(key) : return the key's value
3. Reading Image data
- getShape() : return tuple of the shape of the image
- getNameType() : return data type
- getPixelArray() : return ENTIRE array of pixels values
It is a simplified Astropy application for processing RGB image stored in the /data directory.
using : aplply for making RGB and for image registration or could use AstroAlign
From some people insights we can try to use other Python pachages to color the pictures:
- make_lupton_rgb just apply a asinh stretch and assumes that the input image is linear. Therefore you would just need to apply scale and Q as parameters of the method. Another problem that could be related to make_lupton_rgb is that is needed to change vmin and vmax Reddit Post
- Use matplotlib. Here is an Example of MATPLOTLIB for coloring pictures The only imporntat part is to define the lower and upper limits as is Z1 and Z2, so then in imshow() use clim(Z1, Z2) where formulas for Z1 and Z2 come form iraf.
- Another method is to use APLpy Making RGB Images!
- The issue with the M66 image seems to be that the background is too dark in respect to the object observed, we need to do some Flat Fielding The github issue
Use django for making an app online
Astropy (DOCs for astropy)
APLPY (Making RGB from FITS)
image_registration (shifting and image registration in python)
Astropy tutorials(Search Astropy tutorials)
Pillow (DOCs of a Pyhton library for image processing)
Scipy (tips for image processing)
PyFits (DOCs for PyFits by STSI)
Python code to convert (python direction to convert fits images)
- images hints)
Fitstoimg (fits extension to Jpg)
- Space Telescope Science Institute - Home | STScI , We help humanity explore the universe with advanced space telescopes and ever-growing data archives.
- NASA Fits support Website,
- NASA SOFTWARE for data and Image processing Website
- scikit-Image Python Library
- Ginga a japanese Python library
present in the file system : Scripts (pipeline) which uses pyRaf
- Facebook group for ASTROPY
- Reddit group
- Image Registration Reddit