Final project for Udacity's Front-end Developer Nanodegree.
Online Access:
Local Access:
- Download -
$ git clone
- Go to folder -
$ cd neighborhood-map
- Open in browser -
(Google Chrome would be the best choice)
List of coffee places displayed with Google Maps Javascript API, fetching data from Foursquare Places API to populate the google.maps.infoWindow
Making use of the MVVM pattern with Knockout.JS.
- List of places within a toggle-able menu
- Center the map and display info window when marker or item of the list is chose
- Search input with instant filter for markers displayed on map
- Added animations to markers on the first load
- Animate markers when chosen or clicked
- Display info windows with information about the coffee places
- Fetching data asynchronously from foursquare API using Fetch API
- Retrieving data from fetch request and display on info window