Binary and Hexadecimal Converter for AP Computer Science AB 2022-2023 in Ivan Rico's class
- First download the Latest release
- Then run in the command line (Or just double click on the file)
java -jar Main.jar
Run the following in the command line
mvn clean compile assembly:single
- Then the Executable Jar
will be in the root folder 🎉
Due: Sun, Jan 22 2023 @midnight
- If the cell is alive, then it stays alive if it has either 2 or 3 live neighbors
- If the cell is dead, then it springs to life only in the case that it has 3 live neighbors
- Cell’s stay alive according to Conway’s rules
- Cell’s die according to Conway’s rules
- Cell’s come to life according to Conway’s rules
- Can set the size of the board (number of possible cells)
- Counts the number of cycles (i.e. how long the program has been running)
- Counts the number of cells that have died
- Exit anytime