This repository is used for executing automation test
- NodeJS: v12.17.0
- NPM: v6.14.5
$ mkdir auto-test
$ cd auto-test
$ git clone
$ cd tinypulse-auto-framework
$ npm install
- At ./src/environment.json
Config domain, admin username, admin password
- Run web automation test
$ npm run test
After executing test, run comand to generate html report
$ npm run generate-reports
The framework base on WebdriverIO & Mocha
├── resource // folder contains data for framework (json, excel, csv, png ...)
├── src
│ ├── common // folder includes common funcions/ultilities that can used in all project
│ ├── enity // folder includes file define entity model project
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── admin_settings // folder contains page object for using automate admin setting page
│ │ ├── login // folder contains page object for using automate admin setting page
│ │ └── PageFactory.js // file contains all page object for using automate
│ |── test_scripts // folder includes test script for web automation
│ |── utils // folder includes common funcions/ultilities that can used in all project
│ |── config.js // file includes all config that can used in the project
│ |── environment.json // file includes the information to using for this project (domain, admin...)
│── package.json // file to manage all dependencies to using in this project
│── wdio.conf.js // config file to execute test in web