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Lucee Installer

BitRock Installer XML config and files for creating the Lucee installers for Windows and Linux.

Bitrock has provided LAS with an Enterprise license for InstallBuilder, it's not in source source control

Forked from the great work by Vivotech,, LAS is now managing the Lucee Installer Releases.

Note: You must build the Linux Installer on Linux, otherwise the file permissions like execute are missing.

Github Actions

We now use an automated GitHub action to build, test and publish the Windows and Linux installers

Manual Build


None of the main binaries are checked into source control, the following manual steps are required:

The Lucee loader jar goes into the lucee/lucee/lib folder, i.e.

Download and extract the Tomcat 9 distribution into the lucee/tomcat9/tomcat folder, make sure you use the tar.gz version for Linux or the .zip version for Windows

Delete the lucee/tomcat9/tomcat/webapps/ folder (Lucee has it's own)

Copy the customised lucee/tomcat9/tomcat-lucee-conf Lucee Tomcat configuration files over the extracted Tomcat distribution files in lucee/tomcat9/tomcat.

Download the Windows or Linux 64-bit JREs from and extract them into the appropriate /jre folders (delete the manual directory from the linux JRE)

Download and install the InstallBuilder Enterprise Edition make sure it's x64 version

Update the Version Number under Product Details in InstallBuilder

Building the Installer

Simply open the lucee/lucee.xml file in InstallBuilder and click the Build icon.


Please first post any support questions to the Lucee Dev Forum

Issues are in Lucee's Issue Tracker