Similar node graphs in vanilla/out-of-the-box ros1 and ros2 compared (except that ros1 is one
version running on the latest Ubuntu, ros2 is iron
or perhaps rolling
on same OS), focus on localhost using python. Also serializing messages into zenoh.
- Publish mupltiple topics of ~2000x1000 color images at 30Hz, make something moving in them
- have a pipeline of 3 or 4 nodes that do operations on the images and publish a modified versions, or process pixels and publish a smaller message as a result- perhaps mask out a color or brightness level mask in the first step, then publish a simplified contour of the masked region in the next node
- View multiple images in rqt
- Publish a bunch of transforms to /tf, have some tips of the tf tree correspond to image frame_ids
- View something in 3D in rviz, also 1 or 2 camera overlay plugins running
- rosbag record subset of images, compressed or uncompressed
Later publish and process a point cloud.
Probably won't devote too much to this until Jazzy and the alternative middleware ( arrives (or Rolling will have it earlier?), but it will be nice to have something to run against it when it does arrive.
The launch files below don't yet exist, but this is the idead of what they ought to be.
Follow to build ros one
on Ubuntu 23.04.
Then make an overlaying workspace:
mkdir -p ~/ros/ros1_one/src
cd ~/ros/ros1_one/src
git clone [email protected]:lucasw/ros1vs2.git
cd ..
source ~/install_base_catkin_ws/install/setup.bash
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-deprecated
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros1vs2 ros1vs2.launch
Follow lucasw/ros_from_src#29 to build ros2 iron
Then make an overlaying workspace
mkdir -p ~/ros/ros2_iron_misc/src
cd ~/ros/ros2_iron_misc/src
ln -s ../../ros1_one/src/ros1vs2
cd ..
source ~/ros/ros2_iron/install/local_setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-skip ros1_example_pkg
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch ros1vs2 ros1vs2.launch
Instead of using have ros messages published directly into zenoh using serialization and deserialization.
rosrun ros1_example_pkg
rosrun ros1_example_pkg
The ros parameter server and roscore is still used, but the actual messages go through zenoh.
(inside a venv in Ubuntu 23.04 and later)
pip install mcap mcap-ros1-support
Create a test mcap (in C++):
rosrun one2z mcap_recorder
(it will be adapted to record from a single topic of any type later, currently it creates Float64 messages internally)
Play back an mcap (should work with any with ros1 messages in it):
rosrun one2z test.mcap