SimpleQ is the first VST3 plugin that I've developed using the JUCE framework. It's a basic plugin that includes High and Low-Cut filters, an adjustable parametric EQ band and a real-time frequency spectrum analyzer.
- The low-cut filter eliminates low-frequency content from the audio signal.
- Users can choose from four different slope curves.
- A slider is provided to select the start frequency of the slope.
- The high-cut filter removes high-frequency components from the audio.
- Similar to the low-cut filter, users can choose from four different slope curves and adjust the start frequency with a slider.
In addition to the cut filters, the plugin includes a peak equalizer control. This component offers control over the entire range of audible frequencies and provides users with the tools to enhance or attenuate specific frequency bands in the audio:
- Frequency: Users can set the center frequency for the peak equalizer.
- Gain: Adjust the gain to boost or cut the selected frequency.
- Q (Quality Factor): Control the bandwidth of the EQ curve for precise adjustments.
The plugin features a built-in frequency spectrum analyzer, allowing users to visualize the frequency distribution of the audio signal in real-time.
The plugin provides a very basic and user-friendly interface. Users can easily adjust parameters and monitor the changes in real-time.
- Clean up the design of the slope selection buttons.
- Add a Logo
- Add preset functionality
- Add a global bypass button
- Add more EQ bands
- Improve the design of the frequency spectrum analyzer