Tools for sonification of BSL data, examples, documentation
- Spectrogram feature, flat q, and chromagram synthdefs all working on lab linux workstation
- utility to render audio and sync with video working on lab linux workstation
To do (roughly temporal order):
- documentation for (DONE)
- Figure out how to automate docs properly (DONE)
- documentation for synth, pythonsynthdefs, chromagram, addsoundtovideo
- finish other synthdefs - resynth, piched/noise only, chromagram, (done) flat_q (done)
- make tool for computing an sonifying sac chromagrams, not global, as is done now (DONE)
- Alternatively/additionally, precompute all sac chromagrams so big matgrix doesn't have to be read every time (DONE)
- Make a branch of BSL and document changes, eventually merge so these packages can work together
- get new add_sound to video working (DONE)
- Utility to bulk compute flat q etc. so we cna bulk compute q-sonifications for 50 cases
- debugging tools - mostly w.r.t. auido device seleciton
- Mac and linux cross-platform compatibility / install instructions
- Tutorial/examples plus descriptions of common naming confentions (e.g., Pxx, freqs, etc)
To do lower priority:
- Cleaner argument specification for
- clean up
- clean up
Install supercollider (for synthesis)
Install Loopback for audio routing/recording. Note there are alternatives like soundflower or Jackctl that require a bit more setup but are free. Just need to create a virtual adoip device
Route loopback autop to output channels 1&2 and add MacOS' Built-in Output as a monitoring device
Open ./supercollider/synthdef_scripts/handy.scd using supercollider and change default device settings to the virtual audio device - e.g., Server.default.options.outDevice_("Loopback Audio");
Change memory alocation as well now that you're here (working defaults are saved), and remember to reboot server to initiate any changes
Test audio - open BSL-sonification/supercollider/synthdefscripts/handy.scd, boot the server and play the line with the sine tone. If you don't hear anything then you did not correctly route audio from Supercollider to the virtual device to the Mac's speakers
conda environment: conda create -n sonify numpy pyaudio scikit-image scipy ; conda activate sonify; conda install -c conda-forge librosa; conda install -c conda-forge pyvista; conda install -c conda-forge pyvistaqt; conda install ipython
pip install -e BSL-sonification/supercollider/. for sc-pytohn library
pip install -e BSL-sonification/. for sonification library
pip install -e BSL-sonification/BSL-tools/. for Dan's tools
synth class (BSL-sonification/sonify/synth_classes/ -> set synthdef (e.g., /Documents/BSL-sonification/supercollider/synthdefs) path and sc path (e.g., '/Applications/')
Change synth.audio_device attribute to be the same as your device from step 4 (e.g., "Loopack audio")
You should be able to run to generate an example sonificaiton+visualziation
Linnux Install instructions incomplete (just taking notes so I can remember everything that has to be done):
Install supercollider - sudo apt-get supercollider
Setting up JACK and pulseaudio for recording (Linux)
- sudo apt-get install qjackctl pulseaudio-module-jack
- Then configure qjackctl to run the following command after startup. Copy it into "Setup..." > "Options" > "Execute script after Startup":
- pacmd set-default-sink jack_out
- see for more info on above
- Restart audio w/ pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload
- Open ubuntu settings > sound > output device change to Jack sink. Input device to Jack source
- ? I am stuck .. switching to mac ...
- other dependancy list - numpy, pyaudio, librosa, pyvistaqt, skimage etc ..
- pip install -e BSL-sonification/supercollider/. for sc-pytohn library
- pip install -e BSL-sonification/. for sonification library
- pip install -e BSL-sonification/BSL-tools/. for Dan's tools
- synth class -> set synthdef path and sc path
- choose sound device
- handy.scd setup