sphinx: a password Store that Perfectly Hides from Itself (No Xaggeration)
pwdsphinx is python wrapper around libsphinx - a cryptographic password storage as described in https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1099
You need libsphinx.
You need also to install pysodium
using either your OS package
manager or pip.
If you want to use also the websphinx browser extension you need to install also an X11 variant of pinentry from the gnupg project:
- either
apt-get install pinentry-qt
- or
apt-get install pinentry-gtk2
- or
apt-get install pinentry-gnome3
- or
apt-get install pinentry-fltk
(or anything equivalent to apt-get install
on your OS)
pip3 install pwdsphinx
should get you started.
is a ctypes
-based python wrapper around libsphinx, so
you can build whatever you fancy immediately in python. The interface
exposed wraps the 3 sphinx functions from the library like this:
def challenge(pwd)
returns bfac and chal
def respond(chal, secret)
return the response
def finish(pwd, bfac, resp)
returns the raw 32 byte password.
The functions for the PAKE (OPAQUE) protocol are not yet exposed.
Since the sphinx protocol only makes sense if the "device" is somewhere else than where you type your password, pitchforked sphinx comes with a server implemented in py3 which you can host off-site from your usual desktop/smartphone. Also a client is supplied which is able to communicate with the server and manage passwords.
Both the client and the server can be configured by any of the following files:
Files are parsed in this order, this means global settings can be overridden by per-user and per-directory settings.
The server can be "configured" by changing the variables in the
section of the config file.
The address
is the IP address on which the server is listening,
default is localhost
- you might want to change that.
The port
where the server is listening is by default 2355.
specifies the data directory where all the device "secrets"
are stored, this defaults to "data/" in the current directory. You
might want to back up this directory from time to time to an encrypted
enables logging to standard output.
is the directory where the server stores its secret key, that
is used to sign messages to the clients.
Change these settings to fit your needs. Starting the server can be done simply by:
This is the client that connects to the oracle to manage passwords using the sphinx protocol.
Like the server, the client can be configured changing the settings in
the [client]
section of the config file. The host
and port
match what you set in the server.
The datadir (default: ~/.sphinx
) variable holds the location for
your client parameters. Particularly it contains a salt (by default
) which is used to calculate the ids for secrets on
the server, and more importantly it also contains a secret key
(default: ~/.sphinx/key
) that is used to sign every message sent to
the server to authorize the operations on your passwords. Both the
salt and the key is generated automatically if not available. You
might want to back up and encrypt both the salt and the key.
All operations are authenticated by your (default: ~/.sphinx/key
file which is used to sign all operations. You should protect this
file, so that only you can operate on your passwords.
The client provides the following operations: Create, Get, Change, Delete. Note there is no command to list "records", as the server does not contain any textual information about what it stores. All operations need a username and a site this password belongs to.
Creating a new password for a site is easy, pass your "master" password on standard input to the client, and provide parameters like in this example:
echo 'my master password' | ./sphinx.py create username https://example.com ulsd 0
The parameters to the client are create
for the operation, then
for the username on the site https://example.com
then a
combination of the letters ulsd
and the 0
for the size of the
final password. The letters ulsd
stand in order for the following
character classes: u
upper-case letters, l
lower-case letters, s
symbols and d
for digits.
Note, you can actually use different "master" passwords for different user/site combinations.
Getting a password from the sphinx oracle works by running the following command:
echo 'my master password' | ./sphinx.py get username https://example.com
Here again you supply your master password on standard input, provide
the get
operation as the first parameter, your username
as the 2nd
and the site
as the 3rd parameter. The resulting password is
returned on standard output.
You might want to (be forced to regularly) change your password, this is easy while you can keep your master password the unchanged (or you can change it too, if you want). The command is this:
echo 'my master password' | ./sphinx.py change username https://example.com
Here again you supply your master password on standard input. This
master password can be the same, but can also be a new password if you
want to change also the master password. You provide the change
operation as the first parameter to the client, your username
as the
2nd and the site
as the 3rd parameter. Your new new password is
returned on standard output.
After changing the password, you will get back the old password, until you commit the changes with
echo 'my master password' | ./sphinx.py commit username https://example.com
In case you want to delete a password, you can do using the following command:
./sphinx.py delete username https://example.com
You provide the delete
operation as the first parameter to the
client, your username
as the 2nd and the site
as the 3rd
parameter. This command does not need anything on standard input, nor
does it provide anything on standard output in case everything goes