SmartMed Back End code challenge
Steps to run api:
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in your favorite IDE (Visual Studio)
- Open terminal/cmd and navigate to the solution folder
- Run with the command .\ to pull docker sql server image and run the container
- After the sql server's running
- On VisualStudio click Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
- Select the "Default project" as "src\Application"
- run the command dotnet ef database update --project .\src\SM.Medication.Infrastructure\SM.Medication.Infrastructure.csproj --startup-project .\src\SM.Medication.Api\SM.Medication.Api.csproj"
- Select SM.Medication.API Project as startup and run https.
Now the Solution is ready, with a base SQL Server DB running with 3 medications on the medication table already.
PS: The token to call the API is "SmartMed eyAiVG9rZW4iOiAiMTIzIiwgIlJvbGUiOiAiQWRtaW4ifQ=="