Star Wars Error Pages are a fun, user friendly and smart way to show your customers that they went down a path that you can't follow, that these are not the sites they were looking for or some other bad Star Wars themed pun 😋
This Project Features:
- The wonderful BB-8 CSS-Animation by DevTips
- The amazing piece of art by Justas Galaburda this was based on
- JS to make the Pages work as they should
- Some .htaccess magic 🙌
- and all the important HTTP/1.1 Statuscodes
- APACHE 2.4
- Clients have to have JavaScript Enabled for this to work, if you want it to work either way, consider using my Error Pages with PHP!
Download and extract the latest release to your server.
Or install using the CLI:
$ git clone
$ cd star-wars-error-js
$ cp * /var/www/html/
$ cd /var/www/html/error/
- Search Bar Support
- Redirecting to homepage after Set Time