The implementation of federated average learning [1] based on PyTorch.
- GPU RTX3090 + torch1.7.1(cu110) + torchvision 0.8.0
Before run the code, you need to download train dataset and test data of GTSRB from and move them to GTSRB dirctory.
You are supposed to prepare the model in ./checkpoints2/, which is required by load_round in We have given two models for testing. Run first to obtain the required model at the specific round in load_round. Run to complete detection of backdoor attack.
Run the code python -nc 100 -cf 0.1 -E 5 -B 10 -mn GTSRB -ncomm 300 -iid 0 -lr 0.01 -vf 1 -g 0 python sim_compare1 -nc 100 -cf 0.1 -E 5 -B 10 -mn GTSRB -ncomm 300 -iid 0 -lr 0.1 -vf 1 -g 0
which means there are 100 clients, we randomly select 10 in each communicating round. The data set are allocated in Non-IID way. The epoch and batch size are set to 5 and 10. The learning rate is 0.1, we validate the codes every 1 rounds during the training, training stops after 300 rounds.
[1] Mcmahan H B , Moore E , Ramage D , et al. Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data[J]. 2016.