Headless Craft CMS backend for the Rubin Observatory operational website with Docker support.
This project was created with Docker version 20.10.5.
Install Docker and the Google Cloud SDK
Clone this repository
Set the database password in the
environment variable locally, and set the site's security key to theSECURITY_KEY
env var. -
Bring the Docker compose file up:
docker-compose up
Go to http://localhost:8080/admin to administer the site
Install Docker and the Google Cloud SDK
Clone this repository
Set the database password in the
environment variable locally, and set the site's security key to theSECURITY_KEY
env var. -
Bring the Docker compose file up:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f integration.yml up
Go to http://localhost:8080/admin to administer the site
To list the local databases for this project, first bring up the postgres container if it's not already up:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-db.yml up --build postgres
To list your local DBs:
make db-list
To list the databases sitting around in the prod
environment so that you can know which dbname
to supply in make cloud-db-export dbname=(which db you want to export)
make cloud-db-list
To export a prod
database to the gs://release_db_sql_files/rubinobs/
make cloud-db-export dbname=prod_db
- The argument
is required and should be one of the databases listed frommake cloud-db-list
- You will need to go into the
GCP project in the Google Cloud Storage resource to find the DB dump file - Once you download the DB dump file, move it to the
To provision a new local database, first bring up the postgres container if it's not already up:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-db.yml up --build postgres
- Once you download the DB dump file, move it to the
To recreate a local DB from a dump file located within ./db/
make local-db dbname=my_new_local_db dbfile=prod.sql
- The argument
is required and will be the name of the newly created database - The argument
is required and should be the name of the DB file to recreate, this file must be in the./db/
- Uncomment the
line in./db/Dockerfile
- Install Docker
- Clone this repository
- Add a .env file (based on .env.sample) and provide values appropriate to your local dev environment
- If running for the first time, and no local database exists, ask a fellow dev for the Google Cloud Storage location of the
dump file - download it and put it in the/db
folder - You'll need to install php packages locally. You may do so with your local composer, but you can also run it all through docker:
docker run -v ${PWD}/api:/app composer install
- Build and bring up containers for the first time:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-db.yml up --build
- Subsequent bringing up of containers you've already built:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-db.yml up
- Go to http://localhost:8080/admin to administer the site
- Cleaning house:
docker volume prune
docker system prune
- Spin stuff down politely:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-db.yml down
- Peek inside your running docker containers:
docker container ls
docker exec -it <CONTAINER-ID> /bin/sh
- and then, for instance, to look at DB
psql -d craft -U craft
- To rebuild images and bring up the containers:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-db.yml up --build
- When you need to do composer stuff:
docker run -v ${PWD}/api:/app composer <blah>
- After ssh-ing into a live GAE instance, by way of the GCP console interface, you can ssh into a running container:
docker exec -ti gaeapp sh
- When working locally, in order to ensure the latest docker
is used:docker pull us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/skyviewer/public-images/craft-base-image