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Contributing to

Jason Fan edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Step 1: fork the repository and/or fetch updates from lrgr:master

If you do not know the difference between forking and cloning or do not know why we use the fork + pull-request workflow, read about the fork + pull-request workflow here:

Step 2: Learn how to build the site locally is built using Jekyll, a program that takes the Markdown and HTML templates in this repo to build a nice looking site. To run Jekyll, you will need to install the Ruby programming language via the Ruby Version Manager and the github-pages Gem (Gems are a fancy name for Ruby pacakges) via Bundler, the GitHub recommended Gem manager for Ruby. Installing the github-pages Gem will install the Jekyll executable.

Step 2a: install Ruby with the Ruby Version Manager (RVM):

You will need Ruby to build the website locally and check your changes before you push changes to github. There are too many ways to install Ruby. If you don't know anything about Ruby install Ruby with RVM.

Step 2b: follow the guide for building jekyll site locally

Follow the instructions here:

The tl;dr version of the instructions is:

  1. Install Bundle which is gem (Ruby package) manager for Ruby
  2. Install required gems using Bundle
  3. Build the local Jekyll site.

Step 2c:

Run bundle exec jekyll serve. Open up localhost:4000 to view the locally built site.

Step 3: Make changes and submit a Pull Request

Now that you can build locally, you can make changes which ought to be commited and pushed to your own fork. Once you are happy the changes and have checked that the site builds the way you intend to. Submit a PR to merge into lrgr:master.

(For an example of how to do this, see PR #3).

Step 4: Get someone to review your code and merge.

Once you submit the PR, assign reviewers to review the changes (see the list below for recommended reviewers). Once reviewer(s) are happy with the changes, check with Max, merge and do one final check on the live site.

Step 5: Add yourself to the recommended reviewers list.

Since you now know how to build and edit the site, add yourself to the recommended reviewers list below.

Recommended reviewers list:

  • Max Leiserson - mdml
  • Jason Fan - theJasonFan