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LÖVE 0.10.0 [Super Toast]

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@slime73 slime73 released this 12 Jan 17:55

Released: 2015-12-22


* Added an iOS port.
* Added an Android port.
* Added the flag t.accelerometerjoystick to love.conf. Disables accelerometer-as-joystick functionality on mobile devices when false.
* Added the flag t.gammacorrect to love.conf (replaces t.window.srgb.) Enabling it globally enables gamma-correct rendering, when supported.
* Added video playback support for Ogg Theora videos, via and Video objects.
* Added module. It is not used for displaying videos on-screen, only decoding them.
* Added love.touch module. Note that it has important differences from the touch implementation in the LÖVE 0.9 Android and iOS ports.
* Added love.touchpressed, love.touchreleased, and love.touchmoved.
* Added love.system.vibrate.
* Added love.filesystem.setRequirePath and love.filesystem.getRequirePath.
* Added an optional program exit argument to love.event.quit.
* Added love.filedropped and love.directorydropped event callback functions.
* Added love.lowmemory event callback function, called when the app is running out of memory on mobile operating systems.
* Added love.textedited event callback function, called when the user is compositing text (e.g. via an IME.)
* Added love.wheelmoved event callback function (replaces "wu" and "wd" constants for love.mousepressed.)
* Added love.mouse.hasCursor.
* Added a boolean argument to love.mousepressed and love.mousereleased indicating whether the button event originated from a touch press.
* Added optional x/y/width/height arguments to love.keyboard.setTextInput. They tell the system where text will show up so on-screen keyboards can avoid that area.
* Added Source:getType (replaces Source:isStatic.)
* Added Source:getDuration and Decoder:getDuration.
* Added an optional string argument containing raw pixel byte data to the width/height variant of love.image.newImageData.
* Added
* Added rounded-rectangle support to
* Added (replaces
* Added
* Added an optional argument to which indicates whether to treat the colors of drawn objects as having pre-multiplied alpha.
* Added (replaces
* Added (replaces
* Added and (replaces
* Added
* Added color arguments to It no longer always uses the background color value.
* Added
* Added
* Added the "clampzero" WrapMode.
* Added the ability to specify custom mipmaps when creating an image, via, {mipmaps={mip1, mip2, ...}})
* Added optional x/y/width/height arguments to Image:refresh and Canvas:newImageData.
* Added Image:getFlags.
* Added one- and two-channel Canvas formats: r8, rg8, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f.
* Added support for different formats in each Canvas when using multi-canvas rendering. Added the "multicanvasformats" Graphics Feature constant.
* Added support for OpenGL ES 2 and 3.
* Added support for loading ETC, EAC, PVRTC, and ASTC compressed textures on systems that support them.
* Added custom vertex attribute support for Meshes via new variants of
* Added Mesh:setVertexAttribute and Mesh:getVertexAttribute.
* Added Mesh:getVertexFormat.
* Added Mesh:flush.
* Added an optional 'startvertex' argument to Mesh:setVertices.
* Added the ability for and Mesh:setVertices to accept a Data object.
* Added Mesh:setAttributeEnabled and Mesh:isAttributeEnabled.
* Added Mesh:attachAttribute.
* Added SpriteBatch:attachAttribute.
* Added Shader:sendColor.
* Added new shader functions: gammaCorrectColor, gammaToLinear, and linearToGamma. The functions also have 'precise' and 'fast' variants.
* Added Text objects and
* Added per-character color support to and to Text objects.
* Added BMFont bitmap font file support to and love.font.
* Added kerning support for TrueType/OpenType and BMFont Fonts.
* Added an optional font hinting argument to when loading TrueType fonts.
* Added an optional spacing argument to, which applies additional spacing to all rendered glyphs.
* Added Font:setFallbacks.
* Added love.window.maximize.
* Added love.window.close.
* Added love.window.requestAttention.
* Added love.window.setDisplaySleepEnabled and love.window.isDisplaySleepEnabled.
* Added BezierCurve:renderSegment and BezierCurve:removeControlPoint.
* Added BezierCurve:getSegment.
* Added love.math.compress and love.math.decompress.
* Added Channel:performAtomic.

* Changed love.mousepressed, love.mousereleased, and love.mouse.isDown to use button numbers instead of named button constants.
* Changed love.keypressed to be love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat).
* Changed love.keyreleased to be love.keyreleased(key, scancode).
* Changed Font:getWrap's second return value to be a table containing the text split into lines.
* Changed's optional second argument to be a table of flags (flags are "mipmaps" and "linear".)
* Changed the arguments for the standard variants of to newMesh(vertices [, drawmode, usage]) and newMesh(vertexcount [, drawmode, usage]).
* Changed ImageData:encode to return a FileData object. ImageData:encode's first parameter is now the format to encode to, and the second parameter is an optional filename to write to.

* Renamed the "normal" Fullscreen Type to "exclusive".
* Renamed the DistanceModel constants "inverse clamped", "linear clamped", and "exponent clamped" to "inverseclamped", "linearclamped", and "exponentclamped".
* Renamed the "additive", "subtractive", and "multiplicative" BlendModes to "add", "subtract", and "multiply".
* Renamed the KeyConstant and Scancode representing the spacebar from " " to "space".
* Renamed File:eof to File:isEOF.
* Renamed Canvas:getImageData to Canvas:newImageData.
* Renamed love.image's CompressedData type to CompressedImageData.

* Removed callback variant of love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems.
* Removed the "wu" and "wd" constants for love.mousepressed (replaced by love.wheelmoved.)
* Removed the named mouse button constants (replaced by button numbers.)
* Removed Source:isStatic (replaced by Source:getType.)
* Removed image loading support for all (non-compressed texture) file formats except for PNG, JPEG, TGA, and BMP.
* Removed JPEG encoding support from ImageData:encode.
* Removed (replaced by
* Removed and
* Removed (replaced by
* Removed (replaced by
* Removed (replaced by and
* Removed the "canvas", "shader", "npot", "subtractive", and "mipmap" Graphics Feature constants (the features always have guaranteed support now.)
* Removed the "multicanvas" Graphics Feature constant (use instead.)
* Removed the "srgb" Graphics Feature constant (use or instead.)
* Removed the "srgb" flag in love.window.setMode and in the t.window table in love.conf (Replaced by t.gammacorrect.)
* Removed the "premultiplied" blend mode ("alpha", "premultiplied") now does the same thing.)
* Removed Canvas:getPixel (use Canvas:newImageData instead.)
* Removed Canvas:clear (use instead.)
* Removed Mesh:getVertices.
* Removed Mesh:setVertexColors and Mesh:hasVertexColors (use Mesh:setAttributeEnabled("VertexColor", enable) instead.)
* Removed functions deprecated in LOVE 0.9.1 and 0.9.2:
  * Removed and (replaced by
  * Removed Mesh:set/getImage, SpriteBatch:set/getImage, and ParticleSystem:set/getImage (replaced by set/getTexture.)
  * Removed SpriteBatch:bind/unbind.
  * Removed Canvas:getFSAA and the "fsaa" flag in love.conf and love.window.setMode (replaced by Canvas:getMSAA and "msaa".)
  * Removed the "dxt" and "bc5" Graphics Feature constant (replaced by
  * Removed the "hdrcanvas" Graphics Feature constant (replaced by
  * Removed love.window.getWidth/getHeight/getDimensions (use or love.window.getMode instead.)

* Fixed utf8.char.
* Fixed detection of fused love games.
* Fixed World:getCallbacks and World:getContactFilter when used in coroutines.
* Fixed crashes when objects which store Lua callback functions are garbage collected after being used in coroutines.
* Fixed memory leaks in love.physics if World:destroy is never called. When a World is GCed it now destroys all objects it owns.
* Fixed love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode crashing when an invalid scancode is given.
* Fixed decoding of 8-bit WAV files.
* Fixed a crash issue when rewinding streaming ogg Sources, when certain versions of libvorbis are used.
* Fixed not rewinding streaming Sources.
* Fixed the stencil buffer in Canvases when an unsupported MSAA value is used to create the Canvas.
* Fixed Canvas:renderTo to restore the previous Canvas if an error occurs in the passed function.
* Fixed to cause an error if that Canvas is the active one.
* Fixed Mesh:getVertexMap to return nil rather than an empty table, if no vertex map has been set.
* Fixed
* Fixed the default offset for particles when ParticleSystem:setQuads or ParticleSystem:setTexture is used.
* Fixed resetting all transformations.
* Fixed the "add" and "subtract" blend modes to no longer modify the alpha of the Canvas / screen.

* Improved the performance of World:rayCast and World:queryBoundingBox.
* Improved the performance of and other line drawing functions, when the "smooth" LineStyle is used.
* Improved the performance of Shader:send when matrices are used.
* Improved the performance of ImageData and SoundData methods when LuaJIT's JIT compiler is enabled, by using efficient FFI code.
* Improved the performance of love.math.noise, love.math.gammaToLinear, love.math.linearToGamma, love.math.random, and RandomGenerator:random when LuaJIT's JIT compiler is enabled.

* Updated the compatibility warning notice to use a message box and to show the version specified in love.conf.
* Updated the compatibility warning notice to display before main.lua is loaded.
* Updated the __tostring metamethod of love objects to output the pointer value, similar to tostring(table).
* Updated World:setCallbacks, World:setContactFilter, World:queryBoundingBox, and World:rayCast to have improved argument type checking.
* Updated threads to load love.filesystem automatically.
* Updated love.filesystem to enable symlinks by default.
* Updated love.math.setRandomSeed and RandomGenerator:setSeed to produce better results for the first few random() calls.
* Updated love.math.random and RandomGenerator:random to produce slightly better results in general.
* Updated Source methods that deal with spatial audio to error rather than failing silently if the Source isn't mono.
* Updated the 3D and 4D variants of love.math.noise to use Perlin noise rather than Simplex noise, to avoid patent issues.
* Updated ImageFonts to no longer treat separator pixels as spacing.
* Updated the default font to use less memory.
* Updated the behavior of text wrapping with and Font:getWrap to work better.
* Updated and to no longer automatically round the x and y position arguments.
* Updated some error messages for to be more descriptive.
* Updated color functions to automatically apply love.math.gammaToLinear to color values when gamma-correct rendering is enabled.
* Updated the 'normal' Canvas format to internally use 'srgb' rather than 'rgba8' when gamma-correct rendering is enabled.
* Updated to affect all drawn objects, including ParticleSystems, SpriteBatches, and Meshes.
* Updated the default fullscreen type to be "desktop" rather than "exclusive".
* Updated the minimum runtime system requirements of LOVE to require OpenGL 2.1 or OpenGL ES 2 support.
* Updated the pixel shader effect function so screen_coords.y is 0 at the top of the screen instead of the bottom.
* Updated Images to require setting the mipmaps flag to true on creation in order to use mipmaps.
* Updated Images to allow mipmaps for non-power-of-two sizes.