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Initial commit of a basic test framework, see for more

Most modules are covered with basic unit tests, and there's an example test for a graphics draw (rectangle) and object (File) - for object tests doing more scenario based so we can check multiple things together
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ellraiser committed Oct 4, 2023
1 parent 03b6b9f commit 19df804
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Showing 32 changed files with 3,667 additions and 0 deletions.
359 changes: 359 additions & 0 deletions testing/classes/TestMethod.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
-- @class - TestMethod
-- @desc - used to run a specific method from a module's /test/ suite
-- each assertion is tracked and then printed to output
TestMethod = {

-- @method - TestMethod:new()
-- @desc - create a new TestMethod object
-- @param {string} method - string of method name to run
-- @param {TestMethod} testmethod - parent testmethod this test belongs to
-- @return {table} - returns the new Test object
new = function(self, method, testmodule)
local test = {
testmodule = testmodule,
method = method,
asserts = {},
start = love.timer.getTime(),
finish = 0,
count = 0,
passed = false,
skipped = false,
skipreason = '',
fatal = '',
message = nil,
result = {},
colors = {
red = {1, 0, 0, 1},
green = {0, 1, 0, 1},
blue = {0, 0, 1, 1},
black = {0, 0, 0, 1},
white = {1, 1, 1, 1}
setmetatable(test, self)
self.__index = self
return test

-- @method - TestMethod:assertEquals()
-- @desc - used to assert two values are equals
-- @param {any} expected - expected value of the test
-- @param {any} actual - actual value of the test
-- @param {string} label - label for this test to use in exports
-- @return {nil}
assertEquals = function(self, expected, actual, label)
self.count = self.count + 1
table.insert(self.asserts, {
key = 'assert #' .. tostring(self.count),
passed = expected == actual,
message = 'expected \'' .. tostring(expected) .. '\' got \'' ..
tostring(actual) .. '\'',
test = label

-- @method - TestMethod:assertPixels()
-- @desc - checks a list of coloured pixels agaisnt given imgdata
-- @param {ImageData} imgdata - image data to check
-- @param {table} pixels - map of colors to list of pixel coords, i.e.
-- { blue = { {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 4} } }
-- @return {nil}
assertPixels = function(self, imgdata, pixels, label)
for i, v in pairs(pixels) do
local col = self.colors[i]
local pixels = v
for p=1,#pixels do
local coord = pixels[p]
local tr, tg, tb, ta = imgdata:getPixel(coord[1], coord[2])
local compare_id = tostring(coord[1]) .. ',' .. tostring(coord[2])
-- @TODO add some sort pixel tolerance to the coords
self:assertEquals(col[1], tr, 'check pixel r for ' .. i .. ' at ' .. compare_id .. '(' .. label .. ')')
self:assertEquals(col[2], tg, 'check pixel g for ' .. i .. ' at ' .. compare_id .. '(' .. label .. ')')
self:assertEquals(col[3], tb, 'check pixel b for ' .. i .. ' at ' .. compare_id .. '(' .. label .. ')')
self:assertEquals(col[4], ta, 'check pixel a for ' .. i .. ' at ' .. compare_id .. '(' .. label .. ')')

-- @method - TestMethod:assertNotEquals()
-- @desc - used to assert two values are not equal
-- @param {any} expected - expected value of the test
-- @param {any} actual - actual value of the test
-- @param {string} label - label for this test to use in exports
-- @return {nil}
assertNotEquals = function(self, expected, actual, label)
self.count = self.count + 1
table.insert(self.asserts, {
key = 'assert #' .. tostring(self.count),
passed = expected ~= actual,
message = 'avoiding \'' .. tostring(expected) .. '\' got \'' ..
tostring(actual) .. '\'',
test = label

-- @method - TestMethod:assertRange()
-- @desc - used to check a value is within an expected range
-- @param {number} actual - actual value of the test
-- @param {number} min - minimum value the actual should be >= to
-- @param {number} max - maximum value the actual should be <= to
-- @param {string} label - label for this test to use in exports
-- @return {nil}
assertRange = function(self, actual, min, max, label)
self.count = self.count + 1
table.insert(self.asserts, {
key = 'assert #' .. tostring(self.count),
passed = actual >= min and actual <= max,
message = 'value \'' .. tostring(actual) .. '\' out of range \'' ..
tostring(min) .. '-' .. tostring(max) .. '\'',
test = label

-- @method - TestMethod:assertMatch()
-- @desc - used to check a value is within a list of values
-- @param {number} list - list of valid values for the test
-- @param {number} actual - actual value of the test to check is in the list
-- @param {string} label - label for this test to use in exports
-- @return {nil}
assertMatch = function(self, list, actual, label)
self.count = self.count + 1
local found = false
for l=1,#list do
if list[l] == actual then found = true end;
table.insert(self.asserts, {
key = 'assert #' .. tostring(self.count),
passed = found == true,
message = 'value \'' .. tostring(actual) .. '\' not found in \'' ..
table.concat(list, ',') .. '\'',
test = label

-- @method - TestMethod:assertGreaterEqual()
-- @desc - used to check a value is >= than a certain target value
-- @param {any} target - value to check the test agaisnt
-- @param {any} actual - actual value of the test
-- @param {string} label - label for this test to use in exports
-- @return {nil}
assertGreaterEqual = function(self, target, actual, label)
self.count = self.count + 1
local passing = false
if target ~= nil and actual ~= nil then
passing = actual >= target
table.insert(self.asserts, {
key = 'assert #' .. tostring(self.count),
passed = passing,
message = 'value \'' .. tostring(actual) .. '\' not >= \'' ..
tostring(target) .. '\'',
test = label

-- @method - TestMethod:assertLessEqual()
-- @desc - used to check a value is <= than a certain target value
-- @param {any} target - value to check the test agaisnt
-- @param {any} actual - actual value of the test
-- @param {string} label - label for this test to use in exports
-- @return {nil}
assertLessEqual = function(self, target, actual, label)
self.count = self.count + 1
local passing = false
if target ~= nil and actual ~= nil then
passing = actual <= target
table.insert(self.asserts, {
key = 'assert #' .. tostring(self.count),
passed = passing,
message = 'value \'' .. tostring(actual) .. '\' not <= \'' ..
tostring(target) .. '\'',
test = label

-- @method - TestMethod:assertObject()
-- @desc - used to check a table is a love object, this runs 3 seperate
-- tests to check table has the basic properties of an object
-- @note - actual object functionality tests are done in the objects module
-- @param {table} obj - table to check is a valid love object
-- @return {nil}
assertObject = function(self, obj)
self:assertNotEquals(nil, obj, 'check not nill')
self:assertEquals('userdata', type(obj), 'check is userdata')
if obj ~= nil then
self:assertNotEquals(nil, obj:type(), 'check has :type()')

-- @method - TestMethod:skipTest()
-- @desc - used to mark this test as skipped for a specific reason
-- @param {string} reason - reason why method is being skipped
-- @return {nil}
skipTest = function(self, reason)
self.skipped = true
self.skipreason = reason

-- @method - TestMethod:evaluateTest()
-- @desc - evaluates the results of all assertions for a final restult
-- @return {nil}
evaluateTest = function(self)
local failure = ''
local failures = 0
for a=1,#self.asserts do
-- @TODO just return first failed assertion msg? or all?
-- currently just shows the first assert that failed
if self.asserts[a].passed == false and self.skipped == false then
if failure == '' then failure = self.asserts[a] end
failures = failures + 1
if self.fatal ~= '' then failure = self.fatal end
local passed = tostring(#self.asserts - failures)
local total = '(' .. passed .. '/' .. tostring(#self.asserts) .. ')'
if self.skipped == true then
self.testmodule.skipped = self.testmodule.skipped + 1
love.test.totals[3] = love.test.totals[3] + 1
self.result = {
total = '',
result = "SKIP",
passed = false,
message = '(0/0) - method skipped [' .. self.skipreason .. ']'
if failure == '' and #self.asserts > 0 then
self.passed = true
self.testmodule.passed = self.testmodule.passed + 1
love.test.totals[1] = love.test.totals[1] + 1
self.result = {
total = total,
result = 'PASS',
passed = true,
message = nil
self.passed = false
self.testmodule.failed = self.testmodule.failed + 1
love.test.totals[2] = love.test.totals[2] + 1
if #self.asserts == 0 then
local msg = 'no asserts defined'
if self.fatal ~= '' then msg = self.fatal end
self.result = {
total = total,
result = 'FAIL',
passed = false,
key = 'test',
message = msg
local key = failure['key']
if failure['test'] ~= nil then
key = key .. ' [' .. failure['test'] .. ']'
self.result = {
total = total,
result = 'FAIL',
passed = false,
key = key,
message = failure['message']

-- @method - TestMethod:printResult()
-- @desc - prints the result of the test to the console as well as appends
-- the XML + HTML for the test to the testsuite output
-- @return {nil}
printResult = function(self)

-- get total timestamp
-- @TODO make nicer, just need a 3DP ms value
self.finish = love.timer.getTime() - self.start
love.test.time = love.test.time + self.finish
self.testmodule.time = self.testmodule.time + self.finish
local endtime = tostring(math.floor((love.timer.getTime() - self.start)*1000))
if string.len(endtime) == 1 then endtime = ' ' .. endtime end
if string.len(endtime) == 2 then endtime = ' ' .. endtime end
if string.len(endtime) == 3 then endtime = ' ' .. endtime end

-- get failure/skip message for output (if any)
local failure = ''
local output = ''
if self.passed == false and self.skipped == false then
failure = '\t\t\t<failure message="' .. self.result.key .. ' ' ..
self.result.message .. '"></failure>\n'
output = self.result.key .. ' ' .. self.result.message
if output == '' and self.skipped == true then
output = self.skipreason

-- append XML for the test class result
self.testmodule.xml = self.testmodule.xml .. '\t\t<testclass classname="' ..
self.method .. '" name="' .. self.method ..
'" time="' .. tostring(self.finish*1000) .. '">\n' ..
failure .. '\t\t</testclass>\n'

-- unused currently, adds a preview image for certain graphics methods to the output
local preview = ''
-- if self.testmodule.module == 'graphics' then
-- local filename = 'love_test_graphics_rectangle'
-- preview = '<div class="preview">' .. '<img src="' .. filename .. '_expected.png"/><p>Expected</p></div>' ..
-- '<div class="preview"><img src="' .. filename .. '_actual.png"/><p>Actual</p></div>'
-- end

-- append HTML for the test class result
local status = '🔴'
local cls = 'red'
if self.passed == true then status = '🟢'; cls = '' end
if self.skipped == true then status = '🟡'; cls = '' end
self.testmodule.html = self.testmodule.html ..
'<tr class=" ' .. cls .. '">' ..
'<td>' .. status .. '</td>' ..
'<td>' .. self.method .. '</td>' ..
'<td>' .. tostring(self.finish*1000) .. 'ms</td>' ..
'<td>' .. output .. preview .. '</td>' ..

-- add message if assert failed
local msg = ''
if self.result.message ~= nil and self.skipped == false then
msg = ' - ' .. self.result.key ..
' failed - (' .. self.result.message .. ')'
if self.skipped == true then
msg = self.result.message

-- log final test result to console
-- i know its hacky but its neat soz
local tested = 'love.' .. self.testmodule.module .. '.' .. self.method .. '()'
local matching = string.sub(self.testmodule.spacer, string.len(tested), 40)
' ' .. tested .. matching,
' ==> ' .. self.result.result .. ' - ' .. endtime .. 'ms ' .. .. msg


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