Because this repository has not seen any activity in more than two years, it has been archived by the Louvain-li-Nux team in november 2019. It is now read-only, but you can still fork it. The terms of licence still apply.
An Ubuntu (and derivatives such as Ubuntu Gnome, Xubuntu and Linux Mint) post-installation script launched just after an fresh installation by Louvain-li-Nux users
Simply download the content and double click on '' / Launch from a Terminal.
Please note that messages of this script are in French but translations from the previous version (10.10 is still available on webupd8) ;)
By default, the script will try to reach our local proxy/mirror.
You are welcome! Fork this repository ;)
We would like to thanks Alin Andrei from WebUpd8, for the idea and the first implementation of this script, and Matthieu Baerts, who greatly improved it and maintained it over the years!