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Releases: lostzen/lost

Lost 3.0.4

16 Oct 20:06
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This is a patch release which fixes a bug that prevented location updates from being immediately dispatched when a listener registered, unregistered, and then reregistered.

Bug Fixes

  • Clears cached data for listener location updates when listener is unregistered (20fc93e)

Lost 3.0.3

14 Aug 17:46
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This is a minor patch release which fixes a bug that prevented an immediate initial location from being sent when a client connected.

Bug Fixes

  • Clear ClientManager location data when shutdown (8efddea)

Lost 3.0.2

06 Jul 16:38
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This is a patch release which fixes a couple bugs and begins work to provide APIs for handling errors that occur when requesting/removing location updates.


  • RemoteExceptions are now logged and IllegalStateException is no longer thrown (3ed32b3, 539c066)
  • Adds Lost 2.x - 3.x migration notes (7ad0a74)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes crash in onLocationChanged (thanks @westnordost!) (539c066)
  • Fixes process limitation to allow any number of processes to connect to Lost (1b40deb)

Lost 3.0.1

19 Jun 17:00
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This is a patch release which fixes a bug where location requirements we requested from the system LocationManager were too aggressive.

Bug Fixes

  • Remove location requests from LocationEngine (40c3a4c)

Lost 3.0.0

25 May 16:50
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This is a major release, a lot of work went into adding some great new features. Most notably, we have updated Lost to support use across multiple processes! This was no small feat and involved using AIDL to rewrite the underlying Service.


  • Adds support for use across multiple processes (422e770)


  • Verifies LostApiClient is connected when used in LocationServices APIs and throws IllegalStateException if isn't (eca6652, 1b50d46)
  • Updates hardware requirements to make gps optional (b59880d)
  • LocationRequest is now Parcelable (d01195f)
  • Updates build tools, sdk, and gradle versions (70303ec)
  • Adds ability to unregister LostApiClient ConnectionCallbacks (ce4bf79)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes race condition which caused crashes on device rotation (f9d8b9c)
  • Fixes sample app crash (836bdbf)
  • Prevents leaking Activity Context by using the application Context when creating clients (d311a9e)

Known Issues


Upgrade Notes

  • Because location updates are no longer unregistered when a client disconnects, it is essential that developers explicitly unregister them (f9d8b9c, f2757a6)
  • Deprecated LocationListener#onProviderDisabled and LocationListener#onProviderEnabled methods have been removed from the interface (678b8bd)
  • Deprecated FusedLocationProviderApi#isProviderEnabled method has been removed (ae35abe)

Lost 2.2.0

27 Feb 21:04
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  • SettingsApi adds an alert dialog before launching system location settings activity to inform the user.
  • Better support for fastest interval and smallest displacement LocationRequest params for multiple clients.
  • Status is now Parcelable.
  • Fixes ConcurrentModificationException when using multiple clients and a client is disconnected in its onConnected callback.
  • Upgrades Robolectric to version 3.2.2.
  • Upgrades Android Gradle plugin to version 2.2.3.
  • Automates release process and optimizes CI builds.

Lost 2.1.2

12 Dec 20:47
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  • Adds LocationAvailability example to demo app
  • Deprecates LocationListener.onProviderEnabled(String provider) and LocationListener.onProviderDisabled(String provider)

Bug Fixes

  • Bluetooth permissions are no longer required for SettingsApi
  • Fixes Bluetooth location resolution behavior
  • Improves behavior of LocationAvailability callbacks
  • Improves client management for multiple LostApiClient instances
  • Last known location is now reported when location updates are requested

Known Issues

  • Smallest displacement and fastest interval are not respected with multiple clients (#142)
  • Can't request location updates via pending intent from non-ui thread (#131)

Upgrade Notes


Lost 2.1.1

18 Oct 22:45
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes connection state not being updated until after callbacks invoked. This bug caused erroneous return values for calls to LostApiClient#isConnected().

Lost 2.1.0

17 Oct 20:09
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  • Implements Geofence transition types including enter, exit, and dwell.
  • Implements ability to set loitering delay for dwell transitions.
  • Bluetooth permission is no longer required for SettingsApi by default.
  • Adds script to assist with mock trace installation on devices.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes crash when from disconnecting client before fully connected.
  • Fixes mock trace replay in sample app by reading from app specific files directory.
  • Refactors mock trace logic to be more unit testable.
  • Fixes Javadoc error preventing Circle CI from completing build.

Known Issues

  • Geofence transition notifications may be unreliable at times. (#117)
  • LocationAvailability updates and onProviderEnabled/onProviderDisabled callbacks may be unreliable at times. (#123)

Upgrade Notes

  • Android Gradle Plugin 2.2.1

Lost 2.0.0

26 Sep 01:50
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Adds GeofencingApi, SettingsApi, LocationAvailability and location updates via PendingIntent.