May take a few hours to run.
- Install Docker
- Run Docker on your computer
- Open Docker>Preferences>Advanced and change Memory to +15.0GiB and max Swap due to voter file size
- Add new experiments to the experiments table in the ny database
- Update the following files in the src/input folder
- contact_types.csv
- list all contact types to include in experiment analysis
- election_mapping.csv
- year: year of election
- election: election name in ny database
- start: date experiment started
- end: date experiment ended (normally day of election)
- org_mapping.csv
- contact_history: org name as it appears in contacthistory table
- experiments: org name as it appears in experiments table
- contact_types.csv
- Run these commands in a terminal:
- docker build . -t nycet-exp
- docker run -t -e PASSWORD=type-password-here nycet-exp
- Install Docker
- Run Docker on your computer
- Add new results to the electionresults table in the ny database
- If new parties are added update maps_pollean table in the ny database
- party: name of party in electionresults table
- map: political leaning of party (left, right, or other)
- Run these commands in a terminal:
- docker build . -t nycet-comp
- docker run -t -e PASSWORD=type-password-here -e nycet-comp
- ?
- Run these commands in a terminal:
- docker build . -t nycet-comp
- docker run -t -e PASSWORD=type-password-here -e nycet-comp