byows_rpi - This is an weeWX driver implementation of the Build Your Own Weather Station guide produced by the Raspberry Pi Organization
Copyright 2019 Jardi A. Martinez Jordan Distributed under terms of the GPLv3
Download the file and copy it to your weeWX user directory. In Debian it is: /usr/share/weewx/user
wget -O /usr/share/weewx/user/
You could install the driver by using git to clone the project into the weewx user folder:
git clone .
That will also copy a directory named "files", those files are not necessary for the driver to work, they are there for my own documenting purposes.
To enable the byows_rpi driver modify the /etc/weewx/weewx.conf file and change the "station_type" variable to "BYOWS" in the "[Station]" section. Below is a snippet of the configured station section.
# Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
# in this file with a 'driver' parameter indicating the driver to be used.
station_type = BYOWS
Then add an new section called "[BYOWS]" preferably below the "[Station]" section.
# This section is for the Raspberry Pi Bring Your Own Weather Station driver.
# The driver to use.
driver = user.byows_rpi
If you are using different hardware or connecting them to a different pin or port, you are able to add additional variables in the "[BYOWS]" section and thereby overwriting the default values in the byows_rpi driver. Please see
# This section is for the Raspberry Pi Bring Your Own Weather Station driver.
# The driver to use.
driver = user.byows_rpi
# How often should the driver generate packets in seconds
loop_interval = 2.5
# Pin to which anemometer is connected, the DEFAULT is pin 5.
anemometer_pin = 5
# Pin to which rain bucket is connected, the DEFAULT is pin 6.
rain_bucket_pin = 6
# Port and address for sensor bme280, the DEFAULT are port=1 address=0x77
bme280_port = 1
bme280_address = 0x77
# Channel to which wind vane is connected to on MCP3008, The DEFAULT is channel 0
mcp3008_channel = 0
# Anemometer adjustment value, the DEFAULT is 1.18
anemometer_adjustment = 1.18
# Bucket Size in mm, the DEFAULT is 0.2794 mm.
bucket_size = 0.2794
# Anemometer radious in cm, the DEFAULT is 9.0 cm.
anemometer_radius_cm = 9.0