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Web App client for Albireo

This project is discontinued, I will suggest you upgrade to which has an upgrade angular version support

Building requirements

Nodejs 12.0 and above, npm 3 and above, Yarn (I recommend this package manager to manage npm packages)


Clone this repo, install dependencies

cd Deneb
yarn install

Copy config/dev.proxy.js.example to config/dev.proxy.js, If your backend server is running on a different host, you need update the target to your backend host

once npm installation is done, using npm script to run some task, all script can be found in package.json

to start up an dev server, run npm start in current directory.

the backend server aka Albireo server must be started. see the readme of that project.


To deploy on production server, a compiled and minfied bundle is needed, to build this project, just run the following command.

export SITE_TITLE="Your site name"
export GA="You google analytics Tracking ID" # if you want to use google analytics, export this environment variable.
export CHROME_EXTENSION_ID=your chrome extension id # when you want user to bind Bangumi account, you should publish Sadr project for your domain, and give the id here.
npm run build:aot:prod

After building process finished, you will have a dist directory in your project root. copy this project to your static file server.

Nginx Configuration for SPA

To support SPA which using HTML5 History API. there are a little configuration need be done in Nginx or other your HTTP static server. Here we will demonstrate with Nginx.

You can also see other reference for this common case:

You need fallback all request except the path start with /api to /index.html which will make the SPA be able to handle the route in browser.

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

# Proxy requests to "/auth" and "/api" to the server.
location /api {
    proxy_pass http://application_upstream;
    proxy_redirect off;

Image Resize service

From 1.1.0, we support responsive image feature which will request a resize image by appending query string ?size={width}x{height}. This will significantly reduce the network usage and increase the loading performance.

We assume the image service support the following method:

  • size={width}x{height} will return a image in dimension of {width}x{height} which is a resize version of original image.
  • size={width}x0 will return an image with a resize width but keeping the ratio of height.
  • size=0x{height} will return an image with a resize height but keeping the ratio of width.
  • without size query string will return the original image.

To support this feature, we use Picfit and some nginx configuration.

But this is not a part of this project, you need to setup your own image service.