The Clarityboard Node library provides convenient access to the Clarityboard API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.
This library is heavily influenced by the Stripe Node.js Library
Please keep in mind that this package is for use with server-side Node that uses Clarityboard keys. This package should not be used for client-side code.
See the API docs.
Install the package with:
npm install clarityboard --save
The package needs to be configured with your account's master key which is available in your Clarityboard API Settings. Require it with the key's value:
var clarityboard = require('clarityboard')('your_key...');
var dashboard = await clarityboard.dashboards.create(
{ name: 'My Example Dashboard' }
Or with versions of Node.js prior to v7.9:
var clarityboard = require('clarityboard')('your_key...');
{ name: 'My Example Dashboard' },
function(err, dashboard) {
err; // null if no error occurred
dashboard; // the created dashboard object
Or using ES modules, this looks more like:
import clarityboardPackage from 'clarityboard';
const clarityboard = clarityboardPackage('your_key...');
Or using TypeScript:
import * as Clarityboard from 'clarityboard';
const clarityboard = new Clarityboard('your_key...');
Every method returns a chainable promise which can be used instead of a regular callback:
// Create a new dashboard and then a new report for that dashboard:
name: 'My Example Dashboard'
return clarityboard.reports.create({
name: 'My Report',
chart: 'timeline',
rules: [
type: 'record-group',
value: 'd290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851',
type: 'field',
value: 'Q/A',
type: 'date-constraint',
value: 'Submitted'
}).then(function(charge) {
// New charge created on a new customer
}).catch(function(err) {
// Deal with an error
Request timeout is configurable (the default is Node's default of 120 seconds):
clarityboard.setTimeout(20000); // in ms (this is 20 seconds)
An https-proxy-agent can be configured with
To use clarityboard behind a proxy you can pass to sdk:
if (process.env.http_proxy) {
const ProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
clarityboard.setHttpAgent(new ProxyAgent(process.env.http_proxy));
Some information about the response which generated a resource is available
with the lastResponse
The Clarityboard object emits request
and response
events. You can use them like this:
var clarityboard = require('clarityboard')('your_key...');
function onRequest(request) {
// Do something.
// Add the event handler function:
clarityboard.on('request', onRequest);
// Remove the event handler function:'request', onRequest);
method: 'POST',
path: '/v/dashboards'
method: 'POST',
path: '/v/dashboards',
status: 200
If you're writing a plugin that uses the library, we'd appreciate it if you identified using clarityboard.setAppInfo()
name: 'MyAwesomePlugin',
version: '1.2.34', // Optional
url: '', // Optional
This information is passed along when the library makes calls to the Clarityboard API.
Run all tests:
$ npm install
$ npm test
Run a single test suite:
$ npm run mocha -- test/Error.spec.js
Run a single test (case sensitive):
$ npm run mocha -- test/Error.spec.js --grep 'Populates with type'