EasyDb4J is a simple yet functional database helper which helps
dealing with queries and object-relational mappings, with the
single interface IConnection
. It has features like:
- [statement-free SQL query] (#1-sql-query)
- [entity query with ORMs] (#2-entity-query)
- [OO styled criterion query] (#3-criterion-query)
- Prelude
In the very begining, build a IConnectionFactory
of your database to open connections. You may use a shortcut
method in ConnectionFactoryBuilder
to build a
database-specific factory, i.e.:
IConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactoryBuilder.buildSQLite("test.db", "user", "pass");
Of course a corresponding JDBC driver should be included in the
classpath, otherwise you would get a ClassNotFoundException
By default, a C3P0 ComboPooledDataSource
will be used
as the inner connection pool.
Once a connection factory is setted up, you can get a connection by a single call:
IConnection conn = factory.openConnection();
- SQL query
SQL queries, with or without parameters, can be exeuted directly in various statement-free approaches.
Executes the SQL query and returns the ResultSet
object generated by the query.
ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, Object[] params = null);
ResultSet executeQuery(String sql, String[] paramNames = null, Object item = null);
Example usage:
class User {
private int id;
private String name;
/* getters and setters are ommitted */
/* create table */
conn.executeUpdate("create table user (id int, un varchar(32))");
/* query all users without parameters */
ResultSet rs1 = conn.executeQuery("select * from user");
/* query user with id equals to 3 */
ResultSet rs2 = conn.executeQuery("select * from user where id = ?",
new Object[] { new Integer(3) });
/* query user by name from a strong-typed object */
ResultSet rs3 = conn.executeQuery("select * from user where un = ?",
new String[] { "name" }, new User("Jack"));
NOTE: in a strong-typed query, the parameter item
taken as the source of parameters in the query. The arary of
are names of fields in the source item to read.
The item
could also be a instance of a Map
while paramNames
are its keys.
The order of paramNames
, as well as the params
in a none strong-typed query, should be same as the order of
their occurrence in the query.
Executes an SQL statement and returns the first column of the first row in the result set generated by the query.
Object executeScalar(String sql, Object[] params = null);
Object executeScalar(String sql, String[] paramNames = null, Object item = null);
Example usage:
Integer count = (Integer) conn.executeScalar("select count(*) from user");
Executes an SQL statement and returns the number of rows affected.
int executeUpdate(String sql, Object[] params = null);
int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] paramNames = null, Object item = null);
Example usage:
class User {
private String name;
private String password;
/* getters and setters are ommitted */
/* create table */
conn.executeUpdate("create table user (un varchar(32), up varchar(32))");
/* params from an array of strings */
conn.executeUpdate("insert into user (un, up) values (?, ?)",
new Object[] { "user1", "pass1" });
/* params from an object of User */
conn.executeUpdate("insert into user (un, up) values (?, ?)",
new String[] { "name", "password" },
new User("user2", "pass2"));
TIPS: you may conveniently and efficiently execute a query multiple
times by passing the parameter item
as an array or a
instance of a Collection
like this:
List list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new User("user1", "pass1"));
list.add(new User("user2", "pass2"));
/* params from a list of users */
conn.executeUpdate("insert into user (un, up) values (?, ?)",
new String[] { "name", "password" },
Executes a query and returns a list of Map
containing pairs of fields and their values.
By default, the map item in the result is a case-insensitive
linked hash map.
List query(String sql, Object[] params = null);
List query(String sql, String[] paramNames = null, Object item = null);
Example usage:
List list = conn.query("select * from user");
Map userMap = (Map) list.get(0);
Since the IConnection
extends the java.sql.Connection
interface, you may still use original methods to do whatever you want.
- Entity query
The connection factory has an object-relational mapping mechanism inside so that it is quite simple to query with strong-typed entities.
Basic operations of CRUD.
Example usage:
class User {
private int id;
private String name;
private String password;
/* getters and setters are ommitted */
/* create a table named 'user' */
/* insert a user */
long id = conn.insert(User.class, new User("user1", "pass1"));
/* find a user */
User user1 = conn.find(User.class, new Long(id));
/* and update the user's info */
conn.update(User.class, user1);
/* finally delete the user */
conn.delete(User.class, user1);
Overloads are provided to query by a entitiy's name instead of its class.
Example usage:
/* register an entity named "user_entity" of the User class */
/* evertything else goes the same */
conn.insert("user_entity", new User("user1", "pass1"));
User user1 = conn.find("user_entity", new Long(id));
conn.update("user_entity", user1);
conn.delete("user_entity", user1);
Executes a query and returns list of strong-typed objects.
List query(Class clazz, String sql, String[] paramNames = null, Object item = null);
/* or */
List query(String entity, String sql, String[] paramNames = null, Object item = null);
Example usage:
List list1 = conn.query(User.class, "select * from user");
/* or */
List list2 = conn.query("user_entity", "select * from user");
- Criterion query
Queries can be built in an object-oriented way, like Hibernate.
represents a query of a specific entity.
ICriteria cri = conn.createCriteria(User.class);
The class Clauses
defines factory methods for
obtaining built-in criterion types.
List list = conn.createCriteria(User.class)
.add(Clauses.between("id", new Long(1), new Long(3)))
.add(Clauses.like("name", "Ja%"))
List list = conn.createCriteria(User.class)
.add(Clauses.like("name", "Ja%"))
- Advanced
Object-relational mappings help map an object class to a relational
table and vice versa. EasyDb4J uses Table
s to define
ORMs. Besides, two interfaces, ValueBinder
, tell the library how to process mappings.
The former one reads values of fields from an object and sets them
to a query Statement
, while the latter one extracts
values from a ResultSet
of a query and then injects
them into an object.
A Table
is a description of a relational table,
consisted of several Column
s representing the mapping
between a field in an object class and a column in the relational
table, and constraints on the table, including PrimaryKey
and UniqueKey
Normally, it is not necessary to initialize a Table
manually. Before any [Entity query] (#2-entity-query), the factory
will detect the corresponding Table
instance, and will
automatically create one if none is found, with default naming strategy.
For example, we have a class like:
class EntityClass {
private int id;
private String fieldOfString;
/* getters and setters are ommitted */
When we call conn.insert(EntityClass.class, new EntityClass())
a mapped Table
will be generated with names in a
underscode-seperated, lowercase style as follow:
class EntityClass => table entity_class id id fieldOfString field_of_string
If you want a different naming style, you should define custom tables. Example usage:
Table table = new Table();
/* set table name and class */
/* add columns */
Column idCol = new Column("id", "id", Types.IDENTITY);
Column stringCol = new Column("fieldOfString", "fieldOfString", Types.VARCHAR);
/* add primary key */
PrimaryKey pk = new PrimaryKey();
/* finally register the table in the connection factory */
factory.getMapping().registerTable(EntityClass.class, table);