- a pybullet-gym environment for Mini Cheetah
- Check MPC implementation of pybullet, and the simulation bed configuration.
- Import Mini Cheetah in the place of Laikago, do the requied system indentification and test the MPC controller.
- Clean and develop the simulation bed into a gym env with approproate functions and classes.
- Build a independent Domain Randomizer class, to work hand in hand with the env.
- Integrate, test and verify env.
- Add functions for capturing image as the observation.
- Make it a gym package.
- Addition of docstrings.
- Implement utils and logger files for performace tracking and comparison .
- Add DR for the images aswell (if required).
- Add multi threading / make vectorized env for paralelized training.
- Add stable baselines support for training.
- Install the motion_imitation repository and all the requirements as per the instructions given here.
- Replace the existing "mpc_controller" folder with the folder in this repository.
To run the mini cheetah mpc controller(untuned) demo,
cd mpc_controller python locomotion_controller_example.py
- From Pixels to Legs: Hierarchical Learning of Quadruped Locomotion. Paper, CoRL Presentation
- Vision-aided Dynamic Exploration of Unstructured Terrain(in Mini Cheetah). Paper, Video