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Send Custom metrics from your JAVA application to using Micrometer

A Micrometer metrics registry for sending dimensional metrics to

This registry can be used by any application that uses micrometer for recording metrics.


Note: you will need java 8 or above

Via maven:


Via gradle groovy:

implementation 'io.logz.micrometer:micrometer-registry-logzio:1.0.2'

Via gradle Kotlin:


Import in your package:

import io.micrometer.logzio.LogzioConfig;
import io.micrometer.logzio.LogzioMeterRegistry;

Quick start:

Replace the placeholders in the code (indicated by the double angle brackets << >>) to match your specifics.

Environment variable Description Required/Default
listener-url The full Listener URL for for your region, configured to use port 8052 for http traffic, or port 8053 for https traffic (example: For more details, see the regions page in docs Required
metrics-token The Prometheus Metrics account token. Find it under Settings > Manage accounts. Look up your Metrics account token. Required
interval The interval in seconds, to push metrics to Note that your program will need to run for at least one interval for the metrics to be sent Required

In your package:

package your_package;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.*;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Timer;
import io.micrometer.logzio.LogzioConfig;
import io.micrometer.logzio.LogzioMeterRegistry;

class MicrometerLogzio {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // initilize config
      LogzioConfig logzioConfig = new LogzioConfig() {
         public String get(String key) {
            return null;
         public String uri() {
           return "<<listener-url>>";
           // example:
           // return ""; 
         public String token() {
            return "<<metrics-token>>";

         public Duration step() {
           return Duration.ofSeconds(<<interval>>);
           // example:
           // return Duration.ofSeconds(30);                    
         public Hashtable<String, String> includeLabels() {
             return new Hashtable<>();
         public Hashtable<String, String> excludeLabels() {
             return new Hashtable<>();
      // Initialize registry
       LogzioMeterRegistry registry = new LogzioMeterRegistry(logzioConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);
       // Define tags (labels)
       ArrayList<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>();

      // Create counter
      Counter counter = Counter
              .description("a description of what this counter does") // optional
              .tags(tags) // optional
      // Increment your counter

Common tags

You can attach common tags to your registry that will be added to all metrics reported, for example:

// Initialize registry
LogzioMeterRegistry registry = new LogzioMeterRegistry(logzioConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);
// Define tags (labels)
registry.config().commonTags("key", "value");

Filter labels

you can the includeLabels or excludeLabels functions to filter your metrics by labels.


Take for example this following usage, In your LogzioConfig() constructor:

public Hashtable<String, String> includeLabels() {
    Hashtable<String, String> includeLabels = new Hashtable<>();
    includeLabels.put("__name__", "my_counter_abc_total|my_second_counter_abc_total");
    includeLabels.put("k1", "v1");
    return includeLabels;

The registry will keep only metrics with the label __name__ matching the regex my_counter_abc_total|my_second_counter_abc_total, and with the label k1 matching the regex v1.


In your LogzioConfig() constructor:

public Hashtable<String, String> excludeLabels() {
    Hashtable<String, String> excludeLabels = new Hashtable<>();
    excludeLabels.put("__name__", "my_counter_abc_total|my_second_counter_abc_total");
    excludeLabels.put("k1", "v1");
    return excludeLabels;

The registry will drop all metrics with the label __name__ matching the regex my_counter_abc_total|my_second_counter_abc_total, and with the label k1 matching the regex v1.

Meter binders

Micrometer provides a set of binders for monitoring JVM metrics out of the box, for example:

// Initialize registry
LogzioMeterRegistry registry = new LogzioMeterRegistry(logzioConfig, Clock.SYSTEM);

// Gauges buffer and memory pool utilization
new JvmMemoryMetrics().bindTo(registry);
// Gauges max and live data size, promotion and allocation rates, and times GC pauses
new JvmGcMetrics().bindTo(registry);
// Gauges current CPU total and load average.
new ProcessorMetrics().bindTo(registry);
// Gauges thread peak, number of daemon threads, and live threads
new JvmThreadMetrics().bindTo(registry);
// Gauges loaded and unloaded classes
new ClassLoaderMetrics().bindTo(registry);

// File descriptor metrics gathered by the JVM
new FileDescriptorMetrics(tags).bindTo(registry);
// Gauges The uptime and start time of the Java virtual machine
new UptimeMetrics(tags).bindTo(registry);

// Counter of logging events
new LogbackMetrics().bindTo(registry);
new Log4j2Metrics().bindTo(registry);

For more information about other binders check out Micrometer-core Github repo.

Types of metrics

Refer to the Micrometer documentation for more details.

Name Behavior
Counter Metric value can only go up or be reset to 0, calculated per counter.increment(value); call.
Gauge Metric value can arbitrarily increment or decrement, values can set automaticaly by tracking Collection size or set manually by gauge.set(value)
DistributionSummary Metric values captured by the summary.record(value) function, the output is a distribution of count,sum and max for the recorded values during the push interval.
Timer Mesures timing, metric values can be recorded by timer.record() call.
Counter counter = Counter
        .description("a description of what this counter does") // optional
        .tags(tags) // optional
// Increment your counter
// The following metric will be created and sent to counter_example_total{env="dev"} 3
// Create Gauge
List<String> cache = new ArrayList<>(4);
// Track list size
Gauge gauge = Gauge
        .builder("cache_size_gauge_example", cache, List::size)
// The following metric will be created and sent to cache_size_gauge_example{env="dev"} 1
// Track map size
Map<String, Integer> map_gauge = registry.gaugeMapSize("map_gauge_example", tags, new HashMap<>());
// The following metric will be created and sent to map_gauge_example{env="dev"} 1
// set value manually
AtomicInteger manual_gauge = registry.gauge("manual_gauge_example", new AtomicInteger(0));
// The following metric will be created and sent to manual_gauge_example{env="dev"} 83
// Create DistributionSummary
DistributionSummary summary = DistributionSummary
        .description("a description of what this summary does") // optional
        .tags(tags) // optional
// Record values to distributionSummary
// // The following metrics will be created and sent to 
// summary_example_count{env="dev"} 3
// summary_example_max{env="dev"} 30
// summary_example_sum{env="dev"} 60
// Create Timer
Timer timer = Timer
        .description("a description of what this timer does") // optional
        .tags(tags) // optional
// You can set a value manually
// You can record the timing of a function
timer.record(()-> {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// The following metrics will be created and sent to 
// timer_example_duration_seconds_count{env="dev"} 2
// timer_example_duration_seconds_max{env="dev"} 1501
// timer_example_duration_seconds_sum{env="dev"} 3000

Change log

  • 1.0.2:
    • Compatible with Java 8 and above
    • Enable Include and Exclude filter
    • Implement retry mechanism
    • GitHub actions (test with multiple java versions and operating systems)
  • 1.0.1:
    • Compatible with Java 11 and above
  • 1.0.0:
    • Initial release.