Here you can find a package containing two methods to perform the Newton's Method to calculate the root of a univariate function. The first method uses a fed-in first derivative, while the second one automatically computes the first derivative.
The documentation of the package is:
- For the first method:
newtonroot(f, df; iv = 0.3, tol = 1E-13, maxiter = 1000)
- For the second method:
newtonroot(f; iv = 0.3, tol = 1E-13, maxiter = 1000)
function whose root needs to be found;df(x)::Function
first derivative of the function;iv::Float64
initial value (iv = 0.3
is the default);tol::Float64
tolerance value (tol = 1E-13
is the default);maxiter::Int64
maximum number of iterations (maxiter = 1000
is the default).
In the test section, you can see that I have broken a test on purpose in order to see what the Travis CI reports. Evidence of the error has been screenshotted and it is now accessible in the file Evidence-error-PS5.png. That test is now commented in order to have a nicely tested package.