- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with gitssh
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
A Puppet module to install a basic Git SSH server. It also manages SSH client access and repositories.
This module installs the git package and configures a 'git' user with the
SSH clients can be configured using the gitssh::client
definition and
repositories can be added/removed using the gitssh::repo
Adds /usr/bin/git-shell to /etc/shells.
By default, the following directory tree is created:
/var/git /var/git/.ssh
As with most modules, the most basic way to use the module would be:
include '::gitssh'
The following code will:
- Setup a Git SSH server with default settings
- Create two clients/users ([email protected] and fbl42)
- Ensure that if a client jbi72 does not have access
include '::gitssh'
gitssh::client { '[email protected]':
key => 'AAAAB...aQ==',
gitssh::client { 'fbl42':
key => 'AAAAB...Aq==',
gitssh::client { 'jbi72':
ensure => absent
The following snippet will create two repositories (foo and bar) and will ensure that any repository called deleteme is absent:
include '::gitssh'
gitssh::repo { 'foo': }
gitssh::repo { 'bar': }
gitssh::repo { 'deleteme':
ensure => absent
The following Hiera code will reproduce the examples above:
[email protected]:
key: 'AAAAB...aQ=='
key: 'AAAAB...Aq=='
ensure: absent
ensure: present
ensure: present
ensure: absent
If the SSH key is to be present in the git account. Valid values are present and absent. Default value: present
The type of SSH key. See here for a list of valid values. Default value: 'ssh-rsa'
This value can be left as undef (the default) if ensure
is set to
absent. Otherwise it should be the SSH key.
Default value: undef
This is set as the home directory for the git user. Default value: '/var/git'
An array of hashes that can be passed to the gitssh::client
Default value: []
Passed as the ensure attribute to the package resource. Valid values are present or a specific version number. Default value: present
Passed as the name attribute for the package resource for the git package. Default value: 'git'
Passed as an attribute for the user resource for git. This will remove all SSH keys from the git user that are not controlled by Puppet. This attribute has no effect on version of Puppet < 3.6.0 and will generate a warning unless set to false. Default value: true
An array of hashes that can be passed to the gitssh::repo
Default value: []
If the repository is to be present or absent. Default value: present
Currently only developed and tested on CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 7.
Contributions will be gratefully accepted. Please go to the project page, fork the project, make your changes locally and then raise a pull request. Details on how to do this are available at https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source.
Release | Issue/PR | Contributer |
0.1.2 | The module does not work on Puppet 3.4.3 | @nl0pvm |