Bidimensional matrix factorization
R code to perform factorization and dimension reduction of bidimensionally linked data matrices [1]. The file BIDIFAC.R gives functions to perform the BIDIFAC factorization, simulate data, and perform missing value imputation using BIDIFAC. See BIDIFAC_example.R for example usage. Written by Jun Young Park.
[1] J Park and EF Lock. Integrative Factorization of Bidimensionally Linked Matrices. Biometrics, 2019. (article link) arXiv preprint: 1906.03722.
The functions,, and perform the BIDIFAC+ method, described in [2]. See bidifac.plus_example.R for example usage.
[2] EF Lock, J Park and KA Hoadley. Bidimensional linked matrix factorization for pan-omics pan-cancer analysis, Annals of Applied Statistics 2022. (article link)
The functions in EV_Bidifac_Functions.R perform an empirical variational Bayes version of the decompostion, as described in [3]. See EV_Bidifac_Examples.R for example usage.
[3] Working preprint: .