This is a C++ library for validating JSON documents based on a JSON Schema which itself should validate with draft-4 of JSON Schema Validation.
First a disclaimer: It is work in progress and contributions or hints or discussions are welcome.
Niels Lohmann et al develop a great JSON parser for C++ called JSON for Modern C++. This validator is based on this library, hence the name.
The name is for the moment purely marketing, because there is, IMHO, not so much modern C++ inside. There is plenty of space to make it more modern.
External documentation is missing as well. However the API of the validator will be rather simple.
The main goal of this validator is to produce human-comprehensible error messages if a JSON-document/instance does not comply with its schema. This is done with exceptions thrown at the users with a helpful message telling what's wrong with the document while validating.
Another goal was to use Niels Lohmann's JSON-library. This is why the validator lives in his namespace.
Schema-reference resolution is not recursivity-proven: If there is a nested cross-schema reference, it will not stop. (Though I haven't tested it)
Numerical validation uses int64_t
, uint64_t
or double
, depending on if
the schema type is "integer" or "number". Bignum (i.e. arbitrary precision and
range) is not supported at this time.
Unsigned integer validation will only take place if the following two conditions are true:
- The nlohmann
of the json object under validation isnlohmann::json::value_t::number_unsigned
- The schema specifies a numerical minimum greater than or equal to 0
The current state of the build-system needs at least version 3.1.1 of NLohmann's
JSON library. It is looking for the json.hpp
within a nlohmann/
When build the library you need to provide the path to the directory where the include-file
is located as nlohmann/json.hpp
git clone
cd json-schema-validator
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
-DNLOHMANN_JSON_DIR=<path/to/>nlohmann/json.hpp \
-DJSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE_PATH=<path/to/JSON-Schema-test-suite> # optional
make # install
ctest # if test-suite has been given
# create an interface-target called json-hpp
add_library(json-hpp INTERFACE)
# set this path to schema-test-suite to get tests compiled - optional
set(JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE_PATH "path/to/json-schema-test-suite")
enable_testing() # if you want to inherit tests
add_subdirectory(path-to-this-project json-schema-validator)
By default a static library is built. Shared libraries are generated by using
-cmake variable:
In your initial call to cmake simply add:
See also app/json-schema-validate.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "json-schema.hpp"
using nlohmann::json;
using nlohmann::json_uri;
using nlohmann::json_schema_draft4::json_validator;
// The schema is defined based upon a string literal
static json person_schema = R"(
"$schema": "",
"title": "A person",
"properties": {
"name": {
"description": "Name",
"type": "string"
"age": {
"description": "Age of the person",
"type": "number",
"minimum": 2,
"maximum": 200
"required": [
"type": "object"
// The people are defined with brace initialization
static json bad_person = {{"age", 42}};
static json good_person = {{"name", "Albert"}, {"age", 42}};
int main(){
/* json-parse the schema */
json_validator validator; // create validator
try {
validator.set_root_schema(person_schema); // insert root-schema
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "Validation of schema failed, here is why: " << e.what() << "\n";
/* json-parse the people */
for (auto &person : {bad_person, good_person})
std::cout << "About to validate this person:\n" << std::setw(2) << person << std::endl;
try {
validator.validate(person); // validate the document
std::cout << "Validation succeeded\n";
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "Validation failed, here is why: " << e.what() << "\n";
There is an application which can be used for testing the validator with the JSON-Schema-Test-Suite.
If you have cloned this repository providing a path the repository-root via the
will enable the test-target(s).
All required tests are OK.
12 optional tests of 305 total (required + optional) tests are failing:
- 10 of them are
-strings which are not supported. - big numbers are not working (2)
The goal is to create an empty document, based on schema-defined default-values, recursively populated.