Strong order 1.0 Runge Kutta scheme for stochastic differential equations. Based on Kloeden - Numerical Solution of stochastic differential equations (Springer 1992) page XXX and Wikipedia.
SDEs come in the form:
dX = alfa(X,t)*dt + beta(X, t)*dW
Solve_SDE(alfa=None, beta=None, X0=None, dt=None, N=100, t0=0, DW=None)
alfa : a lambda function with two arguments, the X state and the time
defines the differential equation.
beta : a lambda function with two arguments, the X state and the time
defines the stochastic part of the SDE.
X0 : The initial state of the SDE. Mandatory for SDE with variables > 1
(default: gaussian random)
dt : The timestep of the solution
(default: 1)
N : The number of timesteps (defines the length of the timeseries)
(default: 100)
t0 : The initial time of the solution
(default: 0)
DW : The Wiener function in lambda notation
(default: gaussian random number generator, [lambda Y, dt: randn(len(X0)) * sqrt(dt)] )
# Solve dX = 0 + 1*dW
alfa = lambda X,t: 0
beta = lambda X,t: 1
# Plotting routines
t, Y = Solve_SDE(alfa=alfa, beta=beta, dt=.01, N=10000)
pl.plot(t, Y[:,0], label='$dt=10^{-2}$')
pl.title('Wiener process')
# Solve the system:
# dX = s (Y - X) + Y * dW1
# dY = (r X - Y - X*Z) + dW2
# dZ = (X*Y - b Z) + dW3
xL = lambda X, t: 10.0 * (X[1] - X[0]) ;
yL = lambda X, t: 28.0 * X[0] - X[1] - X[0] * X[2] ;
zL = lambda X, t: X[0] * X[1] - 8.0/3.0 * X[2] ;
alfa = lambda X, t: array( [xL(X,t), yL(X,t), zL(X,t)] );
beta = lambda X, t: array( [ X[1], 1, 1] );
X0 = [3.4, -1.3, 28.3];
t, Y = Solve_SDE(alfa=alfa, beta=beta, X0=X0, dt=0.01, N=10000)