Releases: lllllllillllllillll/DweebUI
Releases · lllllllillllllillll/DweebUI
v0.60 (June 9th 2024) - Permissions system and import templates
- Converted JS template literals into HTML.
- Converted modals into HTML/HTMX.
- Moved functions into dashboard controller.
- New - Modal placeholder with loading spinner.
- Container cards now update independently.
- Container cards now display pending action (starting, stopping, pausing, restarting).
- User avatars are now automatically generated.
- Updated database models.
- New - Multi-user permission system.
- Refactored dashboard to support multiple users.
- New - Banner alerts.
- New - Template importing (*.yml, *.yaml, *.json).
- Improved app search.
- New - Search by category.
- Updated dependencies.
- Removed warning from the bottom of the registration page. Will be added back in a different location.
- New - admin checks, session checks, and permission checks for router.
- Added titles to activity indicators.
- Created Github Wiki.
- Added image pull to images page.
- Images and volumes display 'In use'.
- Images display tag.
- Image pull gets latest if not set.
- Updated buttons to trigger from 'mousedown' (John Carmack + Theo told me to).
- Volumes page displays type (Volume or Bind).
- Volume button is now functional.
v0.40 (Feb 26th 2024) - HTMX rewrite
v0.40 (Feb 26th 2024) - HTMX rewrite
- Pages rewritten to use HTMX.
- Removed
- Changed view files to *.HTML instead of *.EJS.
- Removed "USER root" from Dockerfile.
- Express sessions configured to use memorystore.
- Improved chart rendering.
- Improvements to container charts.
- Created Variables page.
- Created Supporters page.
- Ability to remove images, volumes, or networks.
- Fixed list.js sorting.
- Fixed apps.js page navigation.
- Removed stackfiles from templates.json and updated some icons.
- New logo.
- Improved handling of Docker events.
- Improved dashboard responsiveness.
- Updated server metrics styles.
- Container cards display pending action.
- Container charts only rendered if container running.
- Created permissions modal.
- Podman support (untested).
- Started a new template for FOSS apps.
v0.20 (Jan 20th 2024) - The rewrite. Jumping all the way to v0.20.
v0.20 (Jan 20th 2024) - The rewrite. Jumping all the way to v0.20.
Changed to ES6 imports.
Cleaned up file structure and code layout.
Updated DweebUI logo.
Visual tweaks to login and registration pages.
Added .gitignore and .dockerignore files.
Syslogs - View logs for sign-in and registration attempts. 🆕
Docker socket now uses default connection.
Updated Users page displays 'inactive' if no sign-ins within 30 days.
Dashboard updates now triggered by Docker events.
Massive reduction in the amount of HTML, CSS, and JS on client side.
Container graphs are significantly more efficent and no longer use localStorage.
Made dark mode the default theme.
Created intervals to allow application to idle or scale with more users.
Pages for images, volumes, and networks. 🆕
Localized fonts.
Testing with Mocha and Supertest.
Created Portal page. 🆕
- Updates to compose file and instructions from steveiliop56
- Added SECRET field to compose file as a basic security measure.
- Visibility button to hide containers or reset view.
- Container link now uses server IP address.
- More compact container card, with style options planned.
- Improved log view.
- Removed VPN, Firewall, and VNC buttons.
- Updated dependencies (Sequelize 6.35.2)
- Fixed web pages not using the "public" static folder.
- Small tweaks to router.
- Replaced the default icon shown for missing icons (docker.png).
v0.07 (Dec 8th 2023)
- View container logs.
- Removed Redis.
- Improved uninstall function and form id fix.
- WebUI Port can be changed in compose.yml
- Code clean-up.
- Updated dependencies (systeminformation).
v0.06 ( Nov 24th 2023 )
- Multi-platform image (amd64/arm64).
- Removed Caddy from compose file.
- Proxy Manager UI can be enabled from environment variable.
- Removed hardcoded redis passwords.
- Repo change: Implemented image build-and-publish and dependabot (Thank you, gaby).
- Updated dependencies.
- Environment Variables and Labels are now unchecked by default.
- Support for Docker volumes.
- Fixed app uninstall.
- Fixed Proxy Manager.
- Updated functions to ignore the three DweebUI containers: DweebUI, DweebCache(redis), and DweebProxy(caddy).
- Visual updates: Tabs for networks, images, and volumes. Added 'update' option in container drop-down.
- Updated main.js to prevent javascript errors.
- Fix for templates using 'set' instead of 'default' in environment variables.
- Fixes for templates with no volumes or no labels.
- New
- New screenshots.
- Automatically persists data in docker volumes if there is no bind mount.
v0.04 (Nov 11th 2023)
- Docker image and compose file available.
- The containers DweebUI and DweebCache are hidden from the dashboard.
- Default icons for containers.
- Fixed missing information in container details/edit modals (Ports, Env, Volumes, Labels).
v0.03 (Nov 5th 2023)
- Container graphs now load instantly on refresh.
- Working net data for server dashboard.
- Redis is now installed as a docker container.
- Updated Templates.json and added more icons to Dweeb-UI-Icons.
Container graphs and lots of code improvements.
v0.02 Delete controllers/app_actions.js