Project template containing a server written in Deno and a client written in typescript using typescript compiler.
The project structure try to be as simple as possible using deno and typescript only as build/running tool (no npm).
It uses a workspace.code-workspace file as suggested by denoland/vscode_deno extension see the relative documentation main/docs/
Other repository like TradeIdeasPhilip/deno-client-server-typescript-template, evaluates similar configuration. @TradeIdeasPhilip goes further and configure his workspace to work around some of the issues of the environment.
- Fix Deno VS code configuration
- Debug Deno from VS code
- Debug client from VS code
- Debug client from chrome
- Add server/client tests
- Implement a simple webcomponent using vanillajs and/or Lit to experience the configuration
cd server
deno run --allow-read=../client/ --allow-net server.ts