- Creator: Leon Kastler
The KoLDfish data access module, offers a simple API for fast access to the Linked Open Data cloud. It provides a Java API, a simple implementation for it as well as a simple crawler for linked data.
The project contains a framework for accessing RDF by dereferencing URIs and a lightweight crawler based upon that.
Download the code from github. It contains two modules:
- koldfish-dam-api for clients of the DAM backend
- koldfish-dam-backend the backend that handles requests and sends messages Please have a look into the specific readme files for both modules.
- For Java-based implementations look into the Java API description.
In koldfish-dam, we use the following dependencies:
- Apache ActiveMQ as middleware (Apache 2.0 Licence).
- [Apache Http components] (http://hc.apache.org) to access sources via HTTM (Apache 2.0 License).
- Apache Log4j 2.x for logging (Apache 2.0 License).
- Apache Maven 3.3.X as build tool.
- junit for testing (Eclipse Public License 1.0)