src/facebook-java-api contains a modified version of the facebook java api. The original code is located at and is released under the MIT License.
The lib-directory contains precompiled jar-files used to build the plugin. facebook-java-api-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar is a build of the modified facebook code. commons-lang-2.4.jar is built by maven and released under the Apache license. commons-logging-1.1.1.jar is built by maven and released under the Apache license. json-20070829.jar is build by maven and released under the JSON license,
A compiled version of this plugin is available at USK@f0PP-FI59NjWpS49kq0rrK0n~0XRTaspfEc2NrvOozY,F0ITawjY891qBUmZqInNlgO2Ipa2MD8PwGZkUXUb6wQ,AQACAAE/facebook/-8/
In my master thesis (Growing secure P2P networks), I wrote the following:
There is always the theoretical possibility that Facebook will collaborate with the legislation and government [...]
Maybe I didn't highlight that point enough. In hindsight, following the US PRISM spying scandal, Facebook (and any other company or government entity) simply can't be trusted. This plugin is interested as a proof of concept, but shouldn't really be used.