I created this small Google Chrome extension to herd a jumble of different tabs into logical order at the touch of a button.
I was inspired by the fact that I and my colleagues often have loads of tabs flying around, and it's hard to remember what you have open and where. I wanted a way to instantly bring some order to the tab chaos by grouping similar tabs.
I also wanted a small project to hack away at in the evenings when my brain is too tired to work on the larger personal projects I have on the go. I've been curious about how to make browser extensions for a while as well, so it's been fun to start grappling with the Chrome APIs. I know there are probably loads of tab management apps out there, but I wanted to make one from the ground up without a tutorial as a learning experience. :)
I've achieved my goal for MVP functionality, but ideas are popping into my head about things to add and how to take this further, so check back in the future to see what I've added on!
Install Tab Herder via the Chrome Web Store page here.
- Herd tabs by URL - reorders all the tabs in the current window so that tabs from the same domain are grouped together (for example, all your Google Docs tabs will be next to one another, all your Github tabs will be next to one another, etc.)
- More features coming soon!
Once you've installed Tab Herder, click on the puzzle piece icon in the top right of your browser (between the address bar and your profile picture) to access your extensions list.
Find Tab Herder, and either click it from there, or pin it so that it's visible as a button in your browser all the time.
Click on the icon, and a popup will appear. Click the button that corresponds with how you want to herd your tabs! (See features section for details.)
If you have any feedback, please raise an issue in the issues tab or reach out to me at @lizkaufman here on Github or @codingbumblebee on Twitter.