Prepare SocketRocket:
git submodule update --init
Prepare the MyWallet Javascript:
cd Submodules/My-Wallet-V3
npm install
// Required for JavaScriptCore
sed -i '' '1s/^/global.self = global;/' node_modules/whatwg-fetch/fetch.js
grunt build
// Required for JavaScriptCore
sed -i '' '/var crypto = global.crypto || global.msCrypto/ s/$/ || {getRandomValues: function(){}}/' dist/my-wallet.js
Prepare OpenSSL:
cd ../OpenSSL-for-iPhone
Images.xcassets contains all images the app needs, but they must be generated first from the PSD sources in /Artwork. This requires ImageMagick and Grunt.
Install ImageMagic, e.g. with Homebrew:
brew install imagemagick
npm install -g grunt-cli
cd Artwork
npm install
npm install -g svgexport
Whenever you change a PSD or SVG file, run:
The reason that the PNG files are not in the repository - even though it would make life easier for other developers - is that the resulting PNG files are not deterministic. This causes git to mark all images as changed every time you run Grunt.
open Blockchain.xcodeproj
Source Code License: LGPL v3
Artwork & images remain Copyright Blockchain Luxembourg S.A.R.L
Security issues can be reported to us in the following venues:
- Email: [email protected]
- Bug Bounty: