Helm chart to host Zeebe Simple Monitor app on Kubernetes cluster
Latest Chart version: 0.6.0
- Clone zeebe-simple-monitor-fork repo. Make the changes, and push the required changes, to master branch.
- Dockerfile will trigger a multi-stage build, to build the source-code and generate Docker image, on Docker hub.
- Clone these 2 repo in your home (~) directory:
- Make any required changes to zeebe-simple-monitor-helm repo.
- Update the appVersion in Chart.yaml to point to the current zeebe-simple-monitor version (Just to be aware of the current version being used).
- Upgrade the version in Chart.yaml, and push to this repo.
- Run the below commands from terminal (inside ~/helm-charts directory):
$ helm package ../zeebe-simple-monitor-helm/zeebe-simple-monitor
$ helm repo index --merge index.yaml --url https://charts.livspace.com .
$ git commit
$ git push origin
- Use the version from Chart.yaml and update it in requirements.yaml.
That's it! :)