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ElasticSearch integration with advanced filtering options for Sylius eCommerce applications.

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Sylius ElasticSearchPlugin

Elastic search for Sylius. Build status on Linux


  1. Install it:

    $ composer require sylius/elastic-search-plugin
  2. Install elastic search server:

    $ brew install [email protected]
  3. Run elastic search server:

    $ elasticsearch
  4. Add those bundles to AppKernel.php:

     new \ONGR\ElasticsearchBundle\ONGRElasticsearchBundle(),
     new \SimpleBus\SymfonyBridge\SimpleBusCommandBusBundle(),
     new \SimpleBus\SymfonyBridge\SimpleBusEventBusBundle(),
     new \ONGR\FilterManagerBundle\ONGRFilterManagerBundle(),
     new \Sylius\ElasticSearchPlugin\SyliusElasticSearchPlugin(),
  5. Import config file in app/config/config.yml for default filter set configuration:

       - { resource: "@SyliusElasticSearchPlugin/Resources/config/app/config.yml" }

    For more configuration take a look at ONGRFilterManager

  6. Configure ONGR bundle in app/config/config.yml:

                    index_name: sylius
                    SyliusElasticSearchPlugin: {}
        attribute_whitelist: ['MUG_COLLECTION_CODE', 'MUG_MATERIAL_CODE'] #Only attibutes with these codes will be indexed
  7. Import routing file:

           resource: "@SyliusElasticSearchPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  8. Create/Setup database:

    $ bin/console ongr:es:index:create
    $ bin/console do:da:cr
    $ bin/console do:sch:cr
    $ bin/console syl:fix:lo

    If there is a problem with creating elastic search index run those commands:

    $ bin/console ongr:es:index:drop --force
    $ bin/console ongr:es:index:create
  9. Example Request/Response:

It's required to pass channel argument to the search. To activate filter you need to pass in parameter (query, request, attribute) requested field see reference in configuration section.

For e.g:


It will activate taxon_slug, price_range and channel filter.



                 "items": [
                         "code": "LOGAN_MUG_CODE",
                         "name": "Logan Mug",
                         "slug": "logan-mug",
                         "taxons": [
                                 "code": "MUG",
                                 "slug": "mugs",
                                 "position": 0,
                                 "images": [],
                                 "description": "@string@"
                         "variants": [
                                 "code": "LOGAN_MUG_CODE",
                                 "name": "Logan Mug",
                                 "price": {
                                     "current": 1999,
                                     "currency": "GBP"
                                 "images": []
                         "attributes": [
                                 "code": "MUG_COLLECTION_CODE",
                                 "name": "Mug collection",
                                 "value": "HOLIDAY COLLECTION"
                                 "code": "MUG_MATERIAL_CODE",
                                 "name": "Mug material",
                                 "value": "Wood"
                         "images": [],
                         "channelCode": "WEB_GB",
                         "localeCode": "en_GB",
                         "mainTaxon": {
                             "code": "MUG",
                             "slug": "mugs",
                             "images": [],
                             "description": "@string@"
                         "code": "LOGAN_MUG_CODE",
                         "name": "Logan Becher",
                         "slug": "logan-becher",
                         "taxons": [
                                 "code": "MUG",
                                 "slug": "mugs",
                                 "position": 0,
                                 "images": [],
                                 "description": "@string@"
                         "variants": [
                                 "code": "LOGAN_MUG_CODE",
                                 "name": "Logan Becher",
                                 "price": {
                                     "current": 1999,
                                     "currency": "GBP"
                                 "images": []
                         "attributes": [
                                 "code": "MUG_COLLECTION_CODE",
                                 "name": "Mug collection",
                                 "value": "FEIERTAGSKOLLEKTION"
                                 "code": "MUG_MATERIAL_CODE",
                                 "name": "Mug material",
                                 "value": "Holz"
                         "images": [],
                         "channelCode": "WEB_GB",
                         "localeCode": "de_DE",
                         "mainTaxon": {
                             "code": "MUG",
                             "slug": "mugs",
                             "images": [],
                             "description": "@string@"
                 "filters": {
                     "channel": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": false,
                             "urlParameters": [],
                             "name": "channel",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "name": "channel",
                         "choices": [
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "channel": "WEB_GB"
                                 "label": "WEB_GB",
                                 "count": 2
                     "taxon_slug": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": true,
                             "value": "mugs",
                             "urlParameters": {
                                 "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                             "name": "taxon_slug",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": [],
                         "name": "taxon_slug",
                         "choices": [
                                 "active": true,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": [],
                                 "label": "mugs",
                                 "count": 2
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "t-shirts"
                                 "label": "t-shirts",
                                 "count": 2
                     "price_range": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": false,
                             "urlParameters": [],
                             "name": "price_range",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "name": "price_range",
                         "minBounds": 1999,
                         "maxBounds": 1999
                     "locale": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": false,
                             "urlParameters": [],
                             "name": "locale",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "name": "locale",
                         "choices": [
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "locale_code": "de_DE"
                                 "label": "de_DE",
                                 "count": 1
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "locale_code": "en_GB"
                                 "label": "en_GB",
                                 "count": 1
                     "attribute_values": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": false,
                             "urlParameters": [],
                             "name": "attribute_values",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "name": "attribute_values",
                         "choices": [
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "attributeValues": [
                                 "label": "FEIERTAGSKOLLEKTION",
                                 "count": 1
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "attributeValues": [
                                         "HOLIDAY COLLECTION"
                                 "label": "HOLIDAY COLLECTION",
                                 "count": 1
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "attributeValues": [
                                 "label": "Holz",
                                 "count": 1
                                 "active": false,
                                 "default": false,
                                 "urlParameters": {
                                     "taxon_slug": "mugs",
                                     "attributeValues": [
                                 "label": "Wood",
                                 "count": 1
                     "paginator": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": false,
                             "value": 1,
                             "urlParameters": [],
                             "name": "paginator",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "name": "paginator",
                         "currentPage": 1,
                         "totalItems": 2,
                         "maxPages": 10,
                         "itemsPerPage": 10,
                         "numPages": 1,
                         "options": []
                     "search": {
                         "state": {
                             "active": false,
                             "urlParameters": [],
                             "name": "search",
                             "options": []
                         "tags": [],
                         "urlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "resetUrlParameters": {
                             "taxon_slug": "mugs"
                         "name": "search"

10. Filtering by attributes:

You need use attributes query parameter which is an associative array where key is the attribute name and value is an array of attribute values. For e.g:

$this->client->request('GET', '/shop-api/products', ['attributes' => ['Mug material' => ['Wood']]], [], ['ACCEPT' => 'application/json']);

This filter also aggregates all attribute values and it will group them by attribute name

Aggregation response from this request:

          "Mug material":[
            "Mug material":[


          "Mug material":[




          "name":"Mug collection",
            "HOLIDAY COLLECTION":{
                  "Mug material":[
                  "Mug collection":[
                    "HOLIDAY COLLECTION"
              "label":"HOLIDAY COLLECTION",



          "name":"Mug material",
                  "Mug material":[
                  "Mug material":[


You can combine filters so for example if you want your products to be filtered in specific locale you can add another query parameter

Example request with locale:

$this->client->request('GET', '/shop-api/products', ['attributes' => ['Mug material' => ['Wood']], 'locale' => 'en_GB'], [], ['ACCEPT' => 'application/json']);
Aggregation response from this request:

               "Mug material":[  
                  "Mug material":[  


               "Mug material":[  


               "name":"Mug collection",
                  "HOLIDAY COLLECTION":{  
                           "Mug material":[  
                           "Mug collection":[  
                              "HOLIDAY COLLECTION"
                     "label":"HOLIDAY COLLECTION",


               "name":"Mug material",
                           "Mug material":[  


Whole response:

         "name":"Logan Mug",
               "name":"Logan Mug",

               "name":"Mug collection",
               "value":"HOLIDAY COLLECTION"
               "name":"Mug material",




               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[
                     "Mug material":[



               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[
                     "Mug material":[
                     "Mug material":[
                     "Mug material":[



               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[


               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[
                     "Mug material":[



               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[




               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[
               "Mug material":[
                  "Mug material":[


               "Mug material":[


               "name":"Mug collection",
                  "HOLIDAY COLLECTION":{
                           "Mug material":[
                           "Mug collection":[
                              "HOLIDAY COLLECTION"
                     "label":"HOLIDAY COLLECTION",


               "name":"Mug material",
                           "Mug material":[


11. Sorting
  • By name ascending:

  • By price descending:

  • By attribute ATTRIBUTE_CODE ascending:

  • By price ascending, then by name descending:

  1. Filtering by attribute
  • By attribute name and value:

        /shop-api/products?channel=WEB_DE&attributes[Attribute name][0]=value
  • By attribute code and value:

  1. Reindexing Elasticsearch

The current implementation does not support updating Elasticsearch when an entity is updated. In order to stay up-to-date, run the following command:

    bin/console sylius:elastic-search:update-product-index

If you want to recreate the index, run (it will drop it):

    bin/console sylius:elastic-search:reset-product-index


ElasticSearch integration with advanced filtering options for Sylius eCommerce applications.






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