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beatnbite edited this page Dec 9, 2011 · 17 revisions

Ways to contribute to LiteCommerce

You can contribute to LiteCommerce and help the community as follows:

  1. Find bugs and propose improvements to the LiteCommerce core and the Drupal integration module/skin.

  2. Develop your LiteCommerce modules and share them with the community through your own GitHub repositories and via our Module Marketplace directory.

  3. Translate LiteCommerce to other languages.

  4. Integrate LiteCommerce with other CMS systems.

  5. Suggest and vote for new LiteCommerce features at our Ideas Traker.

Getting most recent LiteCommerce code

In order to make the process easier for you, we have created two GitHub repositories:

  1. - contains LiteCommerce 3.x code and free modules maintained by the LC3 team (including the DrupalConnector module, integrating LC3 with Drupal 7); "master" is the stable branch, "master-dev" is the most recent version being developed by our team.

  2. - contains a fork of the Drupal 7 repository (drupal/drupal) extended with the lc3_clean theme and the lc_connector module, integrating Drupal 7 with LC3; "CVS" is the stable branch.

If you plan to develop your modules or propose us patches to the LiteCommerce core, it makes sense to "fork" our repositories into your GitHub account and create a developer LiteCommerce installation from there. If that is not the case, you can deploy a test LiteCommerce installation directly from our GitHub repositories.

Proposing your changes to our GitHub repositories

We would appreciate your help with improving the LiteCommerce core and the Drupal integration module/skin. The recommend way to propose changes to our GitHub repositories is as follows:

  1. Create a GitHub account and "Fork" our repositories.

  2. For each feature/bug/other thing, create a separate branch in your repository.

  3. When you are done, submit us a "pull request" on the changes you have made to the branch.

  4. We review the proposed changes (it may take several days) and either merge your branch into our repository, or decline the request.

Also, you may propose changes any other way you find appropriate (for instance, you can create a ticket at our bug-tracking system and attach your diff-file there).

Before submitting your code to us, please check whether it meets our coding standards:

  • Test coverage for all the models and core classes must be 80% or higher, and all the tests must be successful. The tests are available in the xlite/.dev/test/Classes directory.

  • Your code must meet the LiteCommerce Coding Guidelines. You can check whether your code meets this requirement by running the CodeSniffer tool (xlite/.dev/ It must return no errors and less than 5 warning per file (Code style validation chapter).

Not all contributions are accepted by our team; however, if your code fixes a "hot" issue from the issue list or our bug-tracking system and meets our coding standards, it will likely be included into our GitHub repositories.

Contributing LiteCommerce modules to Module Marketplace

You can distribute your LiteComemrce modules via our Module Marketplace. LiteCommerce users can install and update modules from Module Marketplace directly in their shop backends.

To suggest your module for Module Marketplace you must accept LiteCommerce Developer Program Agreement.

See Module Developer's Tutorial for more information on developing LiteCommerce modules.

The LiteCommerce API documentation is available at

Translating LiteCommerce to other languages

LiteCommerce can be translated to other language by developing a translation module.

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