- This repository contains 3 files:
- sudoku_game.py: allows the user to solve a given 9 * 9 Sudoku puzzle
- sudoku_solver.py: solves a given 9 * 9 Sudoku puzzle
- proof.txt: proof that Sudoku is an intractable decision problem in NP with a non-polynomial time complexity
- This repository contains 3 files:
For sudoku_game.py:
- please run sudoku_game.py using the following command: python3 sudoku_game.py
- a default 9 * 9 input puzzle is used for the program, but it is possible for the program to take in any 9 * 9 nested list containing integers from 1 to 9
- upon execution, the program will:
- display the start state of the puzzle in the console
- prompt the user for the first move
- after each move entered by the user, the verification algorithm is executed and either of the following messages will be displayed in the console:
- "SOLVED!" // the program will then terminate
- "NOT SOLVED, please continue playing!" // the new state of the puzzle will be displayed // the user will be prompted for the next move
For sudoku_solver.py:
- please run sudoku_solver.py using the following command: python3 sudoku_solver.py
- a default 9 * 9 input puzzle is used for the program, but it is possible for the program to take in any 9 * 9 nested list containing integers from 1 to 9
- upon execution, the program will display in the console:
- the start state of the puzzle
- the solved state of the puzzle
For both files:
please expand the console window for better experience
below is the solution for the default input sudoku puzzle:
row 1: [5] [3] 4 6 [7] 8 9 1 2
row 2: [6] 7 2 [1] [9] [5] 3 4 8
row 3: 1 [9] [8] 3 4 2 5 [6] 7
row 4: [8] 5 9 7 [6] 1 4 2 [3]
row 5: [4] 2 6 [8] 5 [3] 7 9 [1]
row 6: [7] 1 3 9 [2] 4 8 5 [6]
row 7: 9 [6] 1 5 3 7 [2] [8] 4
row 8: 2 8 7 [4] [1] [9] 6 3 [5]
row 9: 3 4 5 2 [8] 6 1 [7] [9]