Will use /probe
The 'cache' directory will contain "byPolicy" and "byTenent" folders that cache data from the API. Should be able to pull a testable uniq_id out of one of these. Then to target:
curl localhost:9666/byTenant?target=GBEWPG
Or to target by uuidv4 policy:
curl localhost:9666/byPolicy?target=01FCB317-131F-0B3C-228D-F781E469348A
Use the .envrc file to set the following environment variables. Setting up a folder in lastpass for these
make build
- builds the docker image locally
make run
- runs the exporter in the docker image
make shell
- runs sh in the docker image
make exec
- gives you a shell in a running docker image (for make run
make test
- runs go test
to run those tests against the codebase
Set up your docker-registry
kubectl create secret docker-registry lw-registry \
--docker-server=$CI_REGISTRY \
--docker-username=$CI_REGISTRY_USER \
Set up your acronis credentials:
envsubst < k8s-version/template-secrets.yaml | tee secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml
See your template to be applied with:
helm template .
Install it with:
helm install acronis-exporter .
But of course you can't see that cause 10/8
route for AnyConnect.
Of course, this is helm uploaded
in CI, and then installed via flux in github.com/liquidweb/mako-flux-state
https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets#helm-chart https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/sealed-secrets
To create docker registry credentials:
kubectl create secret docker-registry acronis-exporter-registry \
--dry-run=client -oyaml \
--docker-server=$CI_REGISTRY \
--docker-username=$CI_REGISTRY_USER \
--docker-password=$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
> registry-secrets.yaml
To pack the Acronis credentials:
envsubst < templates/secrets.yaml >secrets.yaml
To get the mako cert for sealing, you'll have to contact @mwineland directly.
With that, to kubeseal
kubeseal --format yaml \
--namespace acronis-exporter \
--cert ~/Downloads/mako.crt \
<registry-secrets.yaml >sealed-registry-secrets.yaml
Note, you have to have ACRONIS_CLIENT_URL
set to something valid for the below to work.
is probably https://us5-cloud.acronis.com
but depends on region.
envsubst <~/src/git.liquidweb.com/helm-charts/acronis-exporter/template-acronis-secrets.yaml | \
kubeseal \
--format yaml \
--namespace acronis-exporter \
--cert ~/.config/prod2.crt | \
tee ~/src/github.com/liquidweb/mako-flux-state/prod2/releases/acronis-exporter/sealed-acronis-secrets.yaml
Secrets that have been kubeseal
can (and should) be committed to the repo.