LinkedPipes Applications is a visualization web platform that allows the users to explore, visualize and publish LinkedData based visualizer applications. Applications created with these platforms can be easily published and integrated anywhere on the Web!
• General user documentation and platform tutorials are available here
• Developer oriented frontend documentation and React
component demos are available here
• Developer oriented backend documentation and architecture overview are available here
• ESWC 2020 Best demo paper LinkedPipes Applications – Automated Discovery of Configurable Linked Data Applications and accompanying poster
The faster way to start your own LinkedPipes Applications platform instance is to execute the production docker-compose setup.
$ curl -o && chmod +x && ./ --production-no-cloning
Once you have started the instance of the platform in docker-compose
, individual components will be accessible on the following ports by default:
You should be able to access:
• Frontend of LPA at localhost:9001
• Backend of LPA at localhost:9005
• Local Discovery at localhost:9000
• Local ETL at localhost:8080
• Local Virtuoso at localhost:8890
For more advanced scenarious and executions of development compose configurations it is recommended to clone the whole repository first and refer to documentation of
startup commands:
usage: ./ [-dc]|[--detailed-command]
-d | --development Start non persistent development setup (assumes repository is already cloned)
-dp | --development-persistent Start non persistend development setup (assumes repository is already cloned)
-p | --production Start persistend production setup (assumes repository is already cloned)
-pnc | --production-no-cloning Start persistend production setup [NO CLONING REQUIRED ;-)]
-cs | --clean-storage Remove 'appdata' and 'data' folders with database data and etc
-sc | --stop-compose Setup whatever configuration setup is currently running
-h | --help Print help documentation
LinkedPipes Applications uses BrowserStack for automated integration testing.