Script to download recordings from automatically
Set up Rec'n'Go emails to that you receive emails for OTRKEY files in the needed quality and store those mails as plaintext in the folder set in OTRINCOMINGMAILSPATH.
- Install dependencies: curl, aria2 and git (on Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install curl aria2 git
- Clone into your ~/bin (create folder if it does not exist already):
cd && [ -d bin ] || mkdir bin
cd ~/bin && git clone
cd otrAutoDownload
- Edit config file otr.conf and the variable otrAutoDownloadPath in
cp otr.conf.sample otr.conf
nano otr.conf
- Setup cronjob:
crontab -e
- Insert this line (replace $USER):
42 * * * * /home/$USER/bin/otrAutoDownload/
- Put emails from OTR into the folder set in OTRINCOMINGMAILSPATH, e.g. via another cronjob.
Example rule for maildrop:
if (/^From:.*webmaster@onlinetvrecorder\.com/:h)
to "$MAILDIR/.otrAutoDownloader"
Then, set the OTRINCOMINGMAILSPATH to $MAILDIR/.otrAutoDownloader/cur. I have a script in place which copies the mail from my mailserver to the server which does the downloading and decoding. This is rather short. It uses a sub-folder inside otrAutoDownloader, named $remotePathOld in this script, where old, already parsed mails are stored:
fileCount=$(/usr/bin/ssh $server "ls $remotePath/cur/" | wc -l)
echo "File Count: $fileCount" >> $logFile
if [ ! "$fileCount" = "0" ]; then
echo "$fileCount mails on remote server."
# copy all mails from remotePath to localPath
/usr/bin/scp -r $server:"$remotePath/cur/*" $localPath
# move to subfolder
/usr/bin/ssh $server "mv $remotePath/cur/* $remotePathOld/cur/"
echo "No copying" >> $logFile
- Enjoy!