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HaMiP: DNA hydroxymethylation analysis of Cytosine-5-methylenesulfonate ImmunoPrecipitation sequencing


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HaMiP: DNA hydroxymethylation analysis of Cytosine-5-methylenesulfonate ImmunoPrecipitation sequencing

A scalable, accurate, and efficient solution for hydroxymethylation analysis of CMS-IP sequencing data.

Workflow of HaMiP.


HaMiP has been deployed in Bioconda at It is encouraged to install HaMiP from Bioconda due to most runtime dependencies will be installed automatically. The following channels should be added in Conda. Namely,

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install HaMiP

Alternatively, HaMiP has been also deployed in PyPI at, and it can be installed via pip.

pip3 install HaMiP

In some cases, users want to build HaMiP manually from source code at Below is an example installation steps.

git clone
cd HaMiP
python3 install

In order to run HaMiP after a manual installation, the following dependent software are required.

Software URL
Python 3
R software
R package DESeq2
R package genefilter
R package DescTools


HaMiP takes in a configuration file for input data and program parameters. HaMiP can be run end-to-end, starting from raw FASTQ files to peak calling and differential hydroxymethylation identification. One can also start the pipeline from intermediate steps. For example, using alignment files as input so that mapping steps will be skipped.

Inspection of configuration

The configuration file is in a YAML format. Two example templates are config_fastq.yaml and config_bam.yaml under config_fastq.yaml is used as a full HaMiP running from FASTQ inputs, while config_bam.yaml is adapted to input existing BAM files so that HaMiP will skip the long-time alignment step. The inspection of configuration is explained below.

  1. sampleinfo

The sampleinfo section defines metadata information in analysis. Below metadata information can be specified.

Parameter Description
sampleinfo.sampleid the unique identifier to one sample the biological group of the sample, e.g., KO or WT
sampleinfo.filenames the absolute path of raw FASTQ files
sampleinfo.reference the absolute path of the reference BAM file when aligninfo.inputbam is True
sampleinfo.spikein the absolute path of the spike-in BAM file when aligninfo.inputbam and aligninfo.usespikein are True
  1. groupinfo

This section defines biological comparison group1 - group2, e.g., KO - WT.

Parameter Description
groupinfo.group1 the first group in biological comparison
groupinfo.group2 the second group in biological comparison
  1. resultdir

This directory is default working directory storing intemediate result files, such as BAM and BED files.

  1. aligninfo

This section specifies parameters used in raw reads alignment.

Parameter Description
aligninfo.inputbam True for BAM inputs. Default: FASTQ inputs.
aligninfo.reference FASTA file of the reference genome, e.g. hg38.fa.
aligninfo.usespikein True for spike-in libraries, otherwise False. This option controls the normalization method, either a spike-in normalization using spike-in mapping, or reduced to WIG sum in the reference genome.
aligninfo.spikein FASTA file of the spike-in genome, e.g. mm10.fa.
aligninfo.statfile the output statistics file. This file includes quality control statistics as well as estimated normalization factors.
aligninfo.barplotinfo a barplot of normalized WIG sums of samples.
aligninfo.numthreads number of threads in alignment program.
aligninfo.verbose Print verbose message
  1. genomescaninfo

This section defines parameters for CMS measurement construction.

Parameter Description
genomescaninfo.readextension True to extend reads length before CMS measurement construction.
genomescaninfo.fragsize the fixed fragment size to extend when readextension is True.
genomescaninfo.windowfile an intermediate window file with fixed-size genomic regions.
genomescaninfo.referencename the UCSC genome name to fetch reference genome size. E.g., hg38 or mm10.
genomescaninfo.windowsize the window size
genomescaninfo.readscount CMS measurement using read count (True) or mean WIG (False).
genomescaninfo.counttablefile the result count table file.
genomescaninfo.verbose Print verbose message
  1. dhmrinfo

Parameters in this section is for DMR detection.

Parameter Description
dhmrinfo.method The statistical method used in DHMR detection. Available methods: ttest, chisq, gtest, nbtest, nbtest_sf. ttest is calling Student's t-test to examine the mean difference of CMS measurements between two biological groups. chisq and gtest are Pearson’s Chi-squared and G-test to test if sums of CMS measurements fit the numbers of replicates between two biological condtions. nbtest applies negative binomial generalized linear model to formulate CMS measurements, and Wald test evaluates the significance of logarithmic fold change. By default, CMS measurement are adjusted by size factors using spike-in normalization. In nbtest_sf, CMS measurements are normalized by the median-ratio algorithm (previously used in DESeq2 for transcriptome measurements).
dhmrinfo.meandepth Average depth to filter out low-depth windows. This step is essential to save computing resources and increase power of downstream statistical inference
dhmrinfo.testfile The result file with statistical outputs for whole genome windows
dhmrinfo.qthr q-value threshod for DHMW.
dhmrinfo.maxdistance Maximum distance to merge adjacent DHMWs into DHMRs
dhmrinfo.dhmrfile The final DHMR result file after merging adjacent DHMWs.
dhmrinfo.numthreads The number of threads.
dhmrinfo.nsplit The number of split of windows. This option controls parallelization with dhmrinfo.numthreads.
dhmrinfo.verbose Print verbose message.
dhmrinfo.keepNA Keep genome windows ruled out by independent filtering.
  1. useinput

To indicate if the input data is used during CMS-IP sequencing.

  1. inputinfo

If useinput is True, this section is required to specify input data. When input data is used, peak windows are identified first by comparing CMS measurements between group 1/2 and their input data. Then, the union of peak windows are tested for DHMR between group 1 and group 2.

Parameter Description
inputinfo.group1 The label for the first group input data.
inputinfo.group2 The label for the second group input data. Group 1 and group 2 can share same set of input data.
inputinfo.method The statistical method used in peak calling. See dhmrinfo.method.
inputinfo.qthr q-value threshold for peak calling.
inputinfo.testfile1 Statistical test results for group 1 peaking calling.
inputinfo.dhmrfile1 Peak regions for group 1.
inputinfo.testfile2 Statistical test results for group 2 peaking calling.
inputinfo.dhmrfile2 Peak regions for group 2.
inputinfo.inputfilterfile Union of peak regions in group 1 and group 2.
inputinfo.verbose Print verbose message.

A toy example using BAM inputs

To facilitate the running of HaMiP, a toy example is generated using existing BAM inputs. The example is accessible at The example directory consists of running scripts and example BAM files. Below commands will generate the configuration file and run the example.

$ ./ ## Generate config.yaml
$ ./ ## download the reference genome and the spike-in genome under ./fasta
$ ./ ## run the example

This script will generate the running configuration file. The inspection of configuration file has been explained above. This example includes small BAM files for 2 KO and 2 WT samples, together with 3 input samples. Spike-in BAM files are also included for spike-in normalization. These BAM files are under the ./bamfile directory. The gtest is used for peaking calling and DHMR detection.


This script is to download required FASTA file for reference genome and spike-in genome. These FASTA files are used in MCALL for bisulfite conversion ratio (BCR) estimation. FASTA files are downloaded into a local directory ./fasta.


The simple command to run CMSIP:

$ HaMiP -c config.yaml

Intermediate and results files are stored under ./outdir. The example quality control statistic file (e.g., qcstats.txt) is as below.

sample_id total unique_ref ref/total unique_spk spk/total comm comm/total comm/unique_ref twss_spk sizefactors twss_ref twss_ref_norm bcr_ref bcr_spk
T1 2328 2328 100.00% 141 6.06% 99 4.25% 4.25% 3053 0.52 171892 88620 0.022883 0.278465
T2 20414 20414 100.00% 2780 13.62% 2539 12.44% 12.44% 9522 0.17 704965 116532 0.033482 0.178238
W1 1588 1588 100.00% 97 6.11% 74 4.66% 4.66% 1786 0.88 118312 104268 0.043317 0.206362
W2 1182 1182 100.00% 89 7.53% 66 5.58% 5.58% 1574 1.00 85335 85335 0.034864 0.214435
I1 212 212 100.00% 17 8.02% 4 1.89% 1.89% 992 1.59 15984 25362 0.738502 0.811715
I2 150 150 100.00% 14 9.33% 1 0.67% 0.67% 1032 1.53 11586 17671 0.897633 0.994475
I3 52 52 100.00% 9 17.31% 0 0.00% 0.00% 356 4.42 2053 9077 0.910494 0.983871

Specifically, the sizefactors column is the size factors generated by spike-in normalization.

The example DHMR file is as below.

chrom start end baseMean lfc statistic pvalue padj
chr4 105276100 105276400 95.88 -0.8072375451 27.63702666 1.463503254e-07 2.048904555e-06
chr4 105272500 105272700 86.7175 -0.837383035 19.45881901 1.027921214e-05 4.796965666e-05
chr4 105259600 105259800 42.4925 -0.5320182773 5.682020984 0.01713961427 0.03999243329

For example, three hypo-DHMRs are identified in chr4 between group T and group W.


Maintainer: Jin Li, [email protected]. PI: De-Qiang Sun, [email protected].


HaMiP: DNA hydroxymethylation analysis of Cytosine-5-methylenesulfonate ImmunoPrecipitation sequencing







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