Harbor2Client - the Ruby gem for the Harbor API
These APIs provide services for manipulating Harbor project.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Package version:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build harbor2_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./harbor2_client-
(for development, run gem install --dev ./harbor2_client-
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'harbor2_client', '~>'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'harbor2_client', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'harbor2_client'
# Setup authorization
Harbor2Client.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
api_instance = Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi.new
project_name = 'project_name_example' # String | The name of the project
repository_name = 'repository_name_example' # String | The name of the repository. If it contains slash, encode it with URL encoding. e.g. a/b -> a%252Fb
reference = 'reference_example' # String | The reference of the artifact, can be digest or tag
label = Harbor2Client::Label.new # Label | The label that added to the artifact. Only the ID property is needed.
opts = {
x_request_id: 'x_request_id_example' # String | An unique ID for the request
#Add label to artifact
api_instance.add_label(project_namerepository_name, reference, label, opts)
rescue Harbor2Client::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ArtifactApi->add_label: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to http://localhost/api/v2.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | add_label | POST /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/labels | Add label to artifact |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | copy_artifact | POST /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts | Copy artifact |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | create_tag | POST /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/tags | Create tag |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | delete_artifact | DELETE /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference} | Delete the specific artifact |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | delete_tag | DELETE /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/tags/{tag_name} | Delete tag |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | get_addition | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/additions/{addition} | Get the addition of the specific artifact |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | get_artifact | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference} | Get the specific artifact |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | get_vulnerabilities_addition | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/additions/vulnerabilities | Get the vulnerabilities addition of the specific artifact |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | list_artifacts | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts | List artifacts |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | list_tags | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/tags | List tags |
Harbor2Client::ArtifactApi | remove_label | DELETE /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/labels/{label_id} | Remove label from artifact |
Harbor2Client::AuditlogApi | list_audit_logs | GET /audit-logs | Get recent logs of the projects which the user is a member of |
Harbor2Client::ConfigureApi | get_configurations | GET /configurations | Get system configurations. |
Harbor2Client::ConfigureApi | get_internalconfig | GET /internalconfig | Get internal configurations. |
Harbor2Client::ConfigureApi | update_configurations | PUT /configurations | Modify system configurations. |
Harbor2Client::GcApi | create_gc_schedule | POST /system/gc/schedule | Create a gc schedule. |
Harbor2Client::GcApi | get_gc | GET /system/gc/{gc_id} | Get gc status. |
Harbor2Client::GcApi | get_gc_history | GET /system/gc | Get gc results. |
Harbor2Client::GcApi | get_gc_log | GET /system/gc/{gc_id}/log | Get gc job log. |
Harbor2Client::GcApi | get_gc_schedule | GET /system/gc/schedule | Get gc's schedule. |
Harbor2Client::GcApi | update_gc_schedule | PUT /system/gc/schedule | Update gc's schedule. |
Harbor2Client::HealthApi | get_health | GET /health | Check the status of Harbor components |
Harbor2Client::IconApi | get_icon | GET /icons/{digest} | Get artifact icon |
Harbor2Client::ImmutableApi | create_immu_rule | POST /projects/{project_name_or_id}/immutabletagrules | Add an immutable tag rule to current project |
Harbor2Client::ImmutableApi | delete_immu_rule | DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id}/immutabletagrules/{immutable_rule_id} | Delete the immutable tag rule. |
Harbor2Client::ImmutableApi | list_immu_rules | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/immutabletagrules | List all immutable tag rules of current project |
Harbor2Client::ImmutableApi | update_immu_rule | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/immutabletagrules/{immutable_rule_id} | Update the immutable tag rule or enable or disable the rule |
Harbor2Client::LabelApi | create_label | POST /labels | Post creates a label |
Harbor2Client::LabelApi | delete_label | DELETE /labels/{label_id} | Delete the label specified by ID. |
Harbor2Client::LabelApi | get_label_by_id | GET /labels/{label_id} | Get the label specified by ID. |
Harbor2Client::LabelApi | list_labels | GET /labels | List labels according to the query strings. |
Harbor2Client::LabelApi | update_label | PUT /labels/{label_id} | Update the label properties. |
Harbor2Client::LdapApi | import_ldap_user | POST /ldap/users/import | Import selected available ldap users. |
Harbor2Client::LdapApi | ping_ldap | POST /ldap/ping | Ping available ldap service. |
Harbor2Client::LdapApi | search_ldap_group | GET /ldap/groups/search | Search available ldap groups. |
Harbor2Client::LdapApi | search_ldap_user | GET /ldap/users/search | Search available ldap users. |
Harbor2Client::MemberApi | create_project_member | POST /projects/{project_name_or_id}/members | Create project member |
Harbor2Client::MemberApi | delete_project_member | DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id}/members/{mid} | Delete project member |
Harbor2Client::MemberApi | get_project_member | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/members/{mid} | Get the project member information |
Harbor2Client::MemberApi | list_project_members | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/members | Get all project member information |
Harbor2Client::MemberApi | update_project_member | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/members/{mid} | Update project member |
Harbor2Client::OidcApi | ping_oidc | POST /system/oidc/ping | Test the OIDC endpoint. |
Harbor2Client::PingApi | get_ping | GET /ping | Ping Harbor to check if it's alive. |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | create_instance | POST /p2p/preheat/instances | Create p2p provider instances |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | create_policy | POST /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies | Create a preheat policy under a project |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | delete_instance | DELETE /p2p/preheat/instances/{preheat_instance_name} | Delete the specified P2P provider instance |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | delete_policy | DELETE /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name} | Delete a preheat policy |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | get_execution | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions/{execution_id} | Get a execution detail by id |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | get_instance | GET /p2p/preheat/instances/{preheat_instance_name} | Get a P2P provider instance |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | get_policy | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name} | Get a preheat policy |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | get_preheat_log | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions/{execution_id}/tasks/{task_id}/logs | Get the log text stream of the specified task for the given execution |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | list_executions | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions | List executions for the given policy |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | list_instances | GET /p2p/preheat/instances | List P2P provider instances |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | list_policies | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies | List preheat policies |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | list_providers | GET /p2p/preheat/providers | List P2P providers |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | list_providers_under_project | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/providers | Get all providers at project level |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | list_tasks | GET /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions/{execution_id}/tasks | List all the related tasks for the given execution |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | manual_preheat | POST /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name} | Manual preheat |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | ping_instances | POST /p2p/preheat/instances/ping | Ping status of a instance. |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | stop_execution | PATCH /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name}/executions/{execution_id} | Stop a execution |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | update_instance | PUT /p2p/preheat/instances/{preheat_instance_name} | Update the specified P2P provider instance |
Harbor2Client::PreheatApi | update_policy | PUT /projects/{project_name}/preheat/policies/{preheat_policy_name} | Update preheat policy |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | create_project | POST /projects | Create a new project. |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | delete_project | DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id} | Delete project by projectID |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | get_logs | GET /projects/{project_name}/logs | Get recent logs of the projects |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | get_project | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id} | Return specific project detail information |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | get_project_deletable | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/_deletable | Get the deletable status of the project |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | get_project_summary | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/summary | Get summary of the project. |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | get_scanner_of_project | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/scanner | Get project level scanner |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | head_project | HEAD /projects | Check if the project name user provided already exists. |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | list_projects | GET /projects | List projects |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | list_scanner_candidates_of_project | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/scanner/candidates | Get scanner registration candidates for configurating project level scanner |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | set_scanner_of_project | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/scanner | Configure scanner for the specified project |
Harbor2Client::ProjectApi | update_project | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id} | Update properties for a selected project. |
Harbor2Client::ProjectMetadataApi | add_project_metadatas | POST /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/ | Add metadata for the specific project |
Harbor2Client::ProjectMetadataApi | delete_project_metadata | DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/{meta_name} | Delete the specific metadata for the specific project |
Harbor2Client::ProjectMetadataApi | get_project_metadata | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/{meta_name} | Get the specific metadata of the specific project |
Harbor2Client::ProjectMetadataApi | list_project_metadatas | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/ | Get the metadata of the specific project |
Harbor2Client::ProjectMetadataApi | update_project_metadata | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/metadatas/{meta_name} | Update the specific metadata for the specific project |
Harbor2Client::QuotaApi | get_quota | GET /quotas/{id} | Get the specified quota |
Harbor2Client::QuotaApi | list_quotas | GET /quotas | List quotas |
Harbor2Client::QuotaApi | update_quota | PUT /quotas/{id} | Update the specified quota |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | create_registry | POST /registries | Create a registry |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | delete_registry | DELETE /registries/{id} | Delete the specific registry |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | get_registry | GET /registries/{id} | Get the specific registry |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | get_registry_info | GET /registries/{id}/info | Get the registry info |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | list_registries | GET /registries | List the registries |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | list_registry_provider_infos | GET /replication/adapterinfos | List all registered registry provider information |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | list_registry_provider_types | GET /replication/adapters | List registry adapters |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | ping_registry | POST /registries/ping | Check status of a registry |
Harbor2Client::RegistryApi | update_registry | PUT /registries/{id} | Update the registry |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | create_replication_policy | POST /replication/policies | Create a replication policy |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | delete_replication_policy | DELETE /replication/policies/{id} | Delete the specific replication policy |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | get_replication_execution | GET /replication/executions/{id} | Get the specific replication execution |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | get_replication_log | GET /replication/executions/{id}/tasks/{task_id}/log | Get the log of the specific replication task |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | get_replication_policy | GET /replication/policies/{id} | Get the specific replication policy |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | list_replication_executions | GET /replication/executions | List replication executions |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | list_replication_policies | GET /replication/policies | List replication policies |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | list_replication_tasks | GET /replication/executions/{id}/tasks | List replication tasks for a specific execution |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | start_replication | POST /replication/executions | Start one replication execution |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | stop_replication | PUT /replication/executions/{id} | Stop the specific replication execution |
Harbor2Client::ReplicationApi | update_replication_policy | PUT /replication/policies/{id} | Update the replication policy |
Harbor2Client::RepositoryApi | delete_repository | DELETE /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name} | Delete repository |
Harbor2Client::RepositoryApi | get_repository | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name} | Get repository |
Harbor2Client::RepositoryApi | list_all_repositories | GET /repositories | List all authorized repositories |
Harbor2Client::RepositoryApi | list_repositories | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories | List repositories |
Harbor2Client::RepositoryApi | update_repository | PUT /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name} | Update repository |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | create_retention | POST /retentions | Create Retention Policy |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | delete_retention | DELETE /retentions/{id} | Delete Retention Policy |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | get_rentenition_metadata | GET /retentions/metadatas | Get Retention Metadatas |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | get_retention | GET /retentions/{id} | Get Retention Policy |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | get_retention_task_log | GET /retentions/{id}/executions/{eid}/tasks/{tid} | Get Retention job task log |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | list_retention_executions | GET /retentions/{id}/executions | Get Retention executions |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | list_retention_tasks | GET /retentions/{id}/executions/{eid}/tasks | Get Retention tasks |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | operate_retention_execution | PATCH /retentions/{id}/executions/{eid} | Stop a Retention execution |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | trigger_retention_execution | POST /retentions/{id}/executions | Trigger a Retention Execution |
Harbor2Client::RetentionApi | update_retention | PUT /retentions/{id} | Update Retention Policy |
Harbor2Client::RobotApi | create_robot | POST /robots | Create a robot account |
Harbor2Client::RobotApi | delete_robot | DELETE /robots/{robot_id} | Delete a robot account |
Harbor2Client::RobotApi | get_robot_by_id | GET /robots/{robot_id} | Get a robot account |
Harbor2Client::RobotApi | list_robot | GET /robots | Get robot account |
Harbor2Client::RobotApi | refresh_sec | PATCH /robots/{robot_id} | Refresh the robot secret |
Harbor2Client::RobotApi | update_robot | PUT /robots/{robot_id} | Update a robot account |
Harbor2Client::Robotv1Api | create_robot_v1 | POST /projects/{project_name_or_id}/robots | Create a robot account |
Harbor2Client::Robotv1Api | delete_robot_v1 | DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id}/robots/{robot_id} | Delete a robot account |
Harbor2Client::Robotv1Api | get_robot_by_idv1 | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/robots/{robot_id} | Get a robot account |
Harbor2Client::Robotv1Api | list_robot_v1 | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/robots | Get all robot accounts of specified project |
Harbor2Client::Robotv1Api | update_robot_v1 | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/robots/{robot_id} | Update status of robot account. |
Harbor2Client::ScanApi | get_report_log | GET /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/scan/{report_id}/log | Get the log of the scan report |
Harbor2Client::ScanApi | scan_artifact | POST /projects/{project_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/artifacts/{reference}/scan | Scan the artifact |
Harbor2Client::ScanAllApi | create_scan_all_schedule | POST /system/scanAll/schedule | Create a schedule or a manual trigger for the scan all job. |
Harbor2Client::ScanAllApi | get_latest_scan_all_metrics | GET /scans/all/metrics | Get the metrics of the latest scan all process |
Harbor2Client::ScanAllApi | get_latest_scheduled_scan_all_metrics | GET /scans/schedule/metrics | Get the metrics of the latest scheduled scan all process |
Harbor2Client::ScanAllApi | get_scan_all_schedule | GET /system/scanAll/schedule | Get scan all's schedule. |
Harbor2Client::ScanAllApi | update_scan_all_schedule | PUT /system/scanAll/schedule | Update scan all's schedule. |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | create_scanner | POST /scanners | Create a scanner registration |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | delete_scanner | DELETE /scanners/{registration_id} | Delete a scanner registration |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | get_scanner | GET /scanners/{registration_id} | Get a scanner registration details |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | get_scanner_metadata | GET /scanners/{registration_id}/metadata | Get the metadata of the specified scanner registration |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | list_scanners | GET /scanners | List scanner registrations |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | ping_scanner | POST /scanners/ping | Tests scanner registration settings |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | set_scanner_as_default | PATCH /scanners/{registration_id} | Set system default scanner registration |
Harbor2Client::ScannerApi | update_scanner | PUT /scanners/{registration_id} | Update a scanner registration |
Harbor2Client::SearchApi | search | GET /search | Search for projects, repositories and helm charts |
Harbor2Client::StatisticApi | get_statistic | GET /statistics | Get the statistic information about the projects and repositories |
Harbor2Client::SystemCVEAllowlistApi | get_system_cve_allowlist | GET /system/CVEAllowlist | Get the system level allowlist of CVE. |
Harbor2Client::SystemCVEAllowlistApi | put_system_cve_allowlist | PUT /system/CVEAllowlist | Update the system level allowlist of CVE. |
Harbor2Client::SysteminfoApi | get_cert | GET /systeminfo/getcert | Get default root certificate. |
Harbor2Client::SysteminfoApi | get_system_info | GET /systeminfo | Get general system info |
Harbor2Client::SysteminfoApi | get_volumes | GET /systeminfo/volumes | Get system volume info (total/free size). |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | create_user | POST /users | Create a local user. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | delete_user | DELETE /users/{user_id} | Mark a registered user as be removed. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | get_current_user_info | GET /users/current | Get current user info. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | get_current_user_permissions | GET /users/current/permissions | Get current user permissions. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | get_user | GET /users/{user_id} | Get a user's profile. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | list_users | GET /users | List users |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | search_users | GET /users/search | Search users by username |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | set_cli_secret | PUT /users/{user_id}/cli_secret | Set CLI secret for a user. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | set_user_sys_admin | PUT /users/{user_id}/sysadmin | Update a registered user to change to be an administrator of Harbor. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | update_user_password | PUT /users/{user_id}/password | Change the password on a user that already exists. |
Harbor2Client::UserApi | update_user_profile | PUT /users/{user_id} | Update user's profile. |
Harbor2Client::UsergroupApi | create_user_group | POST /usergroups | Create user group |
Harbor2Client::UsergroupApi | delete_user_group | DELETE /usergroups/{group_id} | Delete user group |
Harbor2Client::UsergroupApi | get_user_group | GET /usergroups/{group_id} | Get user group information |
Harbor2Client::UsergroupApi | list_user_groups | GET /usergroups | Get all user groups information |
Harbor2Client::UsergroupApi | update_user_group | PUT /usergroups/{group_id} | Update group information |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | create_webhook_policy_of_project | POST /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/policies | Create project webhook policy. |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | delete_webhook_policy_of_project | DELETE /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/policies/{webhook_policy_id} | Delete webhook policy of a project |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | get_supported_event_types | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/events | Get supported event types and notify types. |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | get_webhook_policy_of_project | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/policies/{webhook_policy_id} | Get project webhook policy |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | last_trigger | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/lasttrigger | Get project webhook policy last trigger info |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | list_webhook_policies_of_project | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/policies | List project webhook policies. |
Harbor2Client::WebhookApi | update_webhook_policy_of_project | PUT /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/policies/{webhook_policy_id} | Update webhook policy of a project. |
Harbor2Client::WebhookjobApi | list_webhook_jobs | GET /projects/{project_name_or_id}/webhook/jobs | List project webhook jobs |
- Harbor2Client::Access
- Harbor2Client::AdditionLink
- Harbor2Client::AdditionLinks
- Harbor2Client::Annotations
- Harbor2Client::Artifact
- Harbor2Client::AuditLog
- Harbor2Client::AuthproxySetting
- Harbor2Client::Body
- Harbor2Client::Body1
- Harbor2Client::BoolConfigItem
- Harbor2Client::CVEAllowlist
- Harbor2Client::CVEAllowlistItem
- Harbor2Client::ChartMetadata
- Harbor2Client::ChartVersion
- Harbor2Client::ComponentHealthStatus
- Harbor2Client::Configurations
- Harbor2Client::ConfigurationsResponse
- Harbor2Client::ConfigurationsResponseScanAllPolicy
- Harbor2Client::ConfigurationsResponseScanAllPolicyParameter
- Harbor2Client::Endpoint
- Harbor2Client::Error
- Harbor2Client::Errors
- Harbor2Client::EventType
- Harbor2Client::Execution
- Harbor2Client::ExtraAttrs
- Harbor2Client::FilterStyle
- Harbor2Client::GCHistory
- Harbor2Client::GeneralInfo
- Harbor2Client::Icon
- Harbor2Client::ImmutableRule
- Harbor2Client::ImmutableSelector
- Harbor2Client::Instance
- Harbor2Client::IntegerConfigItem
- Harbor2Client::InternalConfigurationsResponse
- Harbor2Client::IsDefault
- Harbor2Client::Label
- Harbor2Client::LdapConf
- Harbor2Client::LdapFailedImportUser
- Harbor2Client::LdapImportUsers
- Harbor2Client::LdapPingResult
- Harbor2Client::LdapUser
- Harbor2Client::Metadata
- Harbor2Client::Metrics
- Harbor2Client::NativeReportSummary
- Harbor2Client::NotifyType
- Harbor2Client::OIDCCliSecretReq
- Harbor2Client::OIDCUserInfo
- Harbor2Client::OverallHealthStatus
- Harbor2Client::PasswordReq
- Harbor2Client::Permission
- Harbor2Client::Platform
- Harbor2Client::PreheatPolicy
- Harbor2Client::Project
- Harbor2Client::ProjectDeletable
- Harbor2Client::ProjectMember
- Harbor2Client::ProjectMemberEntity
- Harbor2Client::ProjectMetadata
- Harbor2Client::ProjectReq
- Harbor2Client::ProjectScanner
- Harbor2Client::ProjectSummary
- Harbor2Client::ProjectSummaryQuota
- Harbor2Client::ProviderUnderProject
- Harbor2Client::Quota
- Harbor2Client::QuotaRefObject
- Harbor2Client::QuotaUpdateReq
- Harbor2Client::Reference
- Harbor2Client::Registry
- Harbor2Client::RegistryCredential
- Harbor2Client::RegistryEndpoint
- Harbor2Client::RegistryInfo
- Harbor2Client::RegistryPing
- Harbor2Client::RegistryProviderCredentialPattern
- Harbor2Client::RegistryProviderEndpointPattern
- Harbor2Client::RegistryProviderInfo
- Harbor2Client::RegistryUpdate
- Harbor2Client::ReplicationExecution
- Harbor2Client::ReplicationFilter
- Harbor2Client::ReplicationPolicy
- Harbor2Client::ReplicationTask
- Harbor2Client::ReplicationTrigger
- Harbor2Client::ReplicationTriggerSettings
- Harbor2Client::Repository
- Harbor2Client::ResourceList
- Harbor2Client::RetentionExecution
- Harbor2Client::RetentionExecutionTask
- Harbor2Client::RetentionMetadata
- Harbor2Client::RetentionPolicy
- Harbor2Client::RetentionPolicyScope
- Harbor2Client::RetentionRule
- Harbor2Client::RetentionRuleMetadata
- Harbor2Client::RetentionRuleParamMetadata
- Harbor2Client::RetentionRuleTrigger
- Harbor2Client::RetentionSelector
- Harbor2Client::RetentionSelectorMetadata
- Harbor2Client::Robot
- Harbor2Client::RobotCreate
- Harbor2Client::RobotCreateV1
- Harbor2Client::RobotCreated
- Harbor2Client::RobotPermission
- Harbor2Client::RobotSec
- Harbor2Client::RoleRequest
- Harbor2Client::ScanOverview
- Harbor2Client::Scanner
- Harbor2Client::ScannerAdapterMetadata
- Harbor2Client::ScannerCapability
- Harbor2Client::ScannerRegistration
- Harbor2Client::ScannerRegistrationReq
- Harbor2Client::ScannerRegistrationSettings
- Harbor2Client::Schedule
- Harbor2Client::ScheduleObj
- Harbor2Client::Search
- Harbor2Client::SearchRepository
- Harbor2Client::SearchResult
- Harbor2Client::StartReplicationExecution
- Harbor2Client::Statistic
- Harbor2Client::Stats
- Harbor2Client::Storage
- Harbor2Client::StringConfigItem
- Harbor2Client::SupportedWebhookEventTypes
- Harbor2Client::SystemInfo
- Harbor2Client::Tag
- Harbor2Client::Task
- Harbor2Client::UserCreationReq
- Harbor2Client::UserEntity
- Harbor2Client::UserGroup
- Harbor2Client::UserProfile
- Harbor2Client::UserResp
- Harbor2Client::UserSearch
- Harbor2Client::UserSearchRespItem
- Harbor2Client::UserSysAdminFlag
- Harbor2Client::VulnerabilitySummary
- Harbor2Client::WebhookJob
- Harbor2Client::WebhookLastTrigger
- Harbor2Client::WebhookPolicy
- Harbor2Client::WebhookTargetObject
- Type: HTTP basic authentication