Windows XP 之后,右键菜单“发送到”不再具有以文件夹实现分组的功能了。sendto+ 程序就是为你重新实现这个功能的。甚至,它也可以当作启动器来用。
After Windows XP, there is NO grouping shortcuts in directories feature anymore for context menu 'sendto'. sendto+ is a tool insists to get it back. And more, it can be used as a launcher.
sendto+ 不修改系统文件和进程。它需要的只是多一次点击。对我来说还是挺好的 ;p
sendto+ doesn't modify any file or process of the system. It just need your one more click. Acceptable to me ;p
Create a 'sendto' directory in the same directory as sendto+ program, and then organize the the shortcuts with sub-directories.
Grouping shortcuts
在系统的"sendto"文件夹,创建 sendto+ 的快捷方式。
Create a shortcut in the system sendto directory.
用右键菜单时,发送到 sendto+,就会出现第1步中组织的菜单了。
When you want to use the sendto, send the selection to 'sendto+', then there will be the menu organized in groups of step 1.
Create a shortcut of sendto+ onto the desktop or quick launch bar, then it can be run as a launcher.
64 bit OS needs 64 bit version to work correctly.
Build: MSVC, run the bat file.
Licensing: See the license file.